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The Daily Princetonian

Sleepless in Philadelphia over the future of print

It's the first weekend in May and I'm in Philadelphia, doing one of the things professors do when not in class (rumors that we live in our offices are greatly exaggerated). Four times a year, the University of Pennsylvania Press publishes "The Journal of the History of Ideas" - a scholarly journal that draws contributions from classicists, historians, historians of science, literary scholars and philosophers.

OPINION | 05/04/2008

The Daily Princetonian

For love, not money

As an alumna, a former Orange Key chair and now, a University employee, I read Adam Bradlow '11's column on the names of Princeton buildings ("What's in a Name?", April 17) with some interest.

OPINION | 05/01/2008

The Daily Princetonian

Teaching teaching

Princeton is renowned as a research university that is also committed to educating undergraduates. The University demonstrates this commitment by requiring all professors to teach and partially basing tenure decisions on teaching ability.

OPINION | 05/01/2008

The Daily Princetonian

Until proven guilty

Because Malik Little '11, until recently a freshman at this university, has been charged with numerous felonies, it is proper for - one might say incumbent upon - the administration to ban him from this campus.

OPINION | 04/29/2008

The Daily Princetonian

In da club

Ahhh, the last week of classes. Faces all around us shine from the bounteous promise of sun and summer.

OPINION | 04/29/2008

The Daily Princetonian

E pluribus

When my college friends ask me, "How's grad school?" I can tell from their hopeful looks and upbeat tone that they want me to tell them how much fun I'm having.

OPINION | 04/29/2008

The Daily Princetonian

Bankers and patriots

As the Fed and the Treasury once again staff the shovel brigade behind one of Wall Street's periodic asset-bubble parades - lest the foul economic odor in its wake seep too deeply into the rest of the economy - my mind wanders back to spring 2002, when the previous asset bubble had burst.

OPINION | 04/28/2008