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The Daily Princetonian

Princeton meets the press

Bliatt ’97: Welcome, everyone. We’re all so glad you could make it to today’s conference. I see that my rainmaking machine didn’t deter any of my townie fans in the back. Yes, hey to you, too, Frank. Please put your shirt back on.

OPINION | 05/05/2009

The Daily Princetonian

The tolling bell

And so, still dreaming of his beautiful bearded Prince and savior, he stood by the edge of a cliff, staring out at the endless sea, his heart beating wildly as the waves crashed upon the sandy shore.

OPINION | 05/05/2009

The Daily Princetonian

Taking a peek in the tool shed

But after a while I noticed that being called a “tool” is not inherently offensive, that the label was misapplied in my case. I was toolish because of my membership, but not necessarily because of my actions. This misrepresentation became the greater insult as I realized that there are some benefits to being toolish.

OPINION | 05/05/2009