Breaking it down, that means that each course at Princeton costs somewhere into the thousands of dollars. A little sobering when you think about the most boring class you’ve taken here.
Lawnparties fall flat for freshman; Gray squirrels must be stopped; A proposal for the naming of new Butler buildings
Shopping and packing for college is stressful, and despite these noble ambitions, I still skipped a few things. But I feel that this year, returning as an accomplished and well-acclimatized sophomore, I am now equipped to offer some additions to this list that will hopefully be useful.
I think that is more than reasonable that this administration, Public Safety representatives and the USG agree on certain rights that students maintain in the interrogation room. Let’s call it Miranda for P-Safe.
For the record, Princeton’s own architectural guidebook refers to Wilson as “Jersey Motel Modern.” One expects to see a hooker and a broken vending machine around every corner.
In a lot of ways, what was most startling to me about my time in Vietnam was how much the country’s current state challenges conventional Western ways of thinking about the world, many of which I seriously bought into before I left.
Not every internship works out well, but even a bad experience teaches us something about environments and about ourselves.
As it is currently envisioned, the task force is likely to fail to capture the diversity of student experiences with the eating clubs.
The very failings that we have officially relegated to the dustbin of history — the fear of the Other, the disdain for the seemingly inferior, the ruthless use of human beings as means to an end — may be returning in the safe guise of individual preference and personal empowerment.
With the academic year now underway and a new class of students reading Daily Princetonian editorials, the Editorial Board would like to briefly introduce itself and explain its goals.
In the grand scheme of things, the fact that you’re going to sleepwalk through the first day of senior year really doesn’t matter.
You’re at Princeton, but so what? In the words of Han Solo: “Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.”
We're often asked three things: What we consider an opinion piece, how to submit one for publication and how to join our staff. Here are the answers.
I’m not going to be one of those alums who rolls back to campus too often, creepily reappearing at Tuesday lunch and Winter Formals, pretending to fit in with younger friends who judge me for not moving on. I will remain an integral part of this campus.