Letters to the Editor: Oct. 7, 2009
Eating clubs very much part of Orange Key tours; Grade deflation is the right medicine; Anger over Sanger's racism misses crux of the issue; Tilghman's introduction for Erdogan inappropriate
Eating clubs very much part of Orange Key tours; Grade deflation is the right medicine; Anger over Sanger's racism misses crux of the issue; Tilghman's introduction for Erdogan inappropriate
It’s rare to see students reading anything — novels, non-fiction or newspapers — for fun. I, for one, miss that. Our days are instead filled with almost superhuman loads of course reading and/or problem sets
While Campus Club is finding a place during the academic week, its role in the nighttime recreational culture of the University has not yet become clear.
Financial support for graduate students speeds Ph.D. completion; Family of Eliot Kalmbach ’09 thanks the University community for its support; UHS encourages University community to get free flu vaccination
One has to ask, what exactly is Pro-Choice Vox celebrating? Is it Planned Parenthood’s racist roots? Or perhaps the idea that the world is 130 years further in eliminating society’s undesired? Or is it the fact that we can now have as much sex as we choose with as many partners as we choose while disregarding both the ethical and social consequences?
I am currently training to become a high school mathematics teacher through Princeton’s Program in Teacher Preparation, and it is increasingly clear to me that whatever Princeton professors think they are doing in lecture halls, it is not teaching.
Over the past few months, the USG’s strategy on grade deflation has been newly defined by collaboration — rather than confrontation — with the administration.
There is no one season for letters of recommendation.
It’s not easy to be openly gay in America, even if you don’t want to get married.
Many schools are unable to meet national standards because of insufficient resources, crowded classes and teachers with poor credentials. It is hardly progress if the nation’s poorest schools are held up to a new set of standards but still find it impossible to meet them.
If we really want to effect change, we should circulate a petition wherein people pledged not to donate any money to Annual Giving (AG) until some policy — grade deflation, alcohol, whatever — is suitably amended. While I believe that, if executed well, this would have more impact than a million surveys, I do not think that this is without complications.
The "cartoon affair" is the central barometer of values in our time, particularly regarding free speech. It is important, therefore, that we all understand what is at stake. It is for this reason that I spoke at Princeton yesterday and why I write here.
By endorsing the program, Princeton would both signal its gratitude for veterans’ laudable service and avoid sending messages to veterans and the wider public that will reflect negatively upon Princeton.