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The Daily Princetonian

Curve it like Princeton

If you are attractive, spot the hardest-working and loneliest looking kid in the class and charm him or her. The Curve says, “Use others!” If you aren’t attractive, don’t worry. It’s good for you. Suck it up, lock yourself in the room, and study, says the Curve.

OPINION | 10/26/2009

The Daily Princetonian

Grafton: Welcome to Princeford

If you listen to the presidents of the great American private universities, follow their policy decisions and their big investment plans (now mostly on hold, but they’ll be back), Stanford — the Farm — looks like the model that the others are trying to emulate.

OPINION | 10/25/2009

The Daily Princetonian

My date with Ramachandran

One of the most interesting pieces of advice this scientific guru had to offer was his golden rule: “If someone sounds crazy, usually it means you are not smart enough to figure it out.” With that I say, question everything.

OPINION | 10/21/2009

The Daily Princetonian

Independence in a photo

Being at ease at Princeton is more about being able reassure myself of the persistence of a familiar world than about having the confidence to move into new ones. Relentless forward propulsion is as exhilarating for me as it was for my mother, but it also induces a kind of motion sickness.

OPINION | 10/21/2009

The Daily Princetonian

Marital responsibilities

And so we cannot relegate marriage to that growing box marked “private” where other people and the University cannot legitimately have their word. Indeed, quite the opposite. Marriage is of such social importance that, if the unofficial motto “Princeton in the nation’s service” is to have any value, then preparing young people for marriage and family life is crucial.

OPINION | 10/21/2009