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The Daily Princetonian

Little platoons

Are our obligations to our family proportionate to our geographic distance from them? Does the acceptability of shameful decisions increase as the train approaches Princeton Junction?

OPINION | 12/02/2009

The Daily Princetonian

Facing the realities of Facebook

When I tell friends that I don’t have a Facebook, their eyes widen. Then they gush support for my decision. “Yeah, I’ve been thinking I should do that too,” they say. “It takes up so much time!” But I didn’t deactivate my account because I felt like I wasn’t productive enough.

OPINION | 12/02/2009

The Daily Princetonian

On encouraging Rhodes Scholars

I can honestly say that I would never have applied for the Rhodes later that same August had Dean Frank Ordiway not e-mailed me encouraging me to do so. Thankfully, I had enough good sense to respond to his e-mail and to explain to him why I wasn’t planning to apply. What he replied, in short, was: “Let us or the Rhodes committee reject your application: Don’t reject yourself.”

OPINION | 12/02/2009

The Daily Princetonian

A changing profession

Princeton expects a lot of its professors. We are supposed to teach gifted undergraduate and graduate students; run or help run departments and programs; and do original research — research that pushes the borders of our fields. We also collaborate with colleagues here and around the world, organize meetings and workshops, edit, and serve as referees, judge fellowship and prize competitions and hire new colleagues. It makes for a busy life.

OPINION | 11/29/2009

The Daily Princetonian

Editorial: Fairer FRS applications

More than 1,200 applications were submitted for 75 freshman seminars in the fall and spring terms. But since the number of freshman seminars cannot meet the high demand for them, it is important to ensure that the seminar application process gives students ample opportunity to compete for the seminar they want.

OPINION | 11/29/2009