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A book titled “Rights, Rules, Responsibilities” with a pen to the side on a wooden desk.

Princeton, regulate your regulations

In order to establish clear regulations on protest and expression, Princeton should codify all three aspects of the Constitution’s three prong test for permissible speech directly into Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.

In order to establish clear regulations on protest and expression, Princeton should codify all three aspects of the Constitution’s three prong test for permissible speech directly into Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.

OPINION | November 10

A paved walkway partly covered by fallen leaves leading towards a neo-Gothic building.

Accepting the result doesn’t mean accepting fascism. Our strength lies in our community

“Students and young people across the world have been bulwarks against fascism in the past; as Princetonians, there is power in what we say and do in the aftermath of the election.”

“Students and young people across the world have been bulwarks against fascism in the past; as Princetonians, there is power in what we say and do in the aftermath of the election.”

OPINION | November 8

A sign stands in the forefront on a large patch of grass and reads: “This space is reserved for officially sanctioned University events and may not be used for other organized activities without permission. Informal recreation is permitted.” In the background, around one hundred protesters gather in front of a colonial style, white building.

Setting the record straight: Ruha Benjamin should defend her accusation

Given Professor Benjamin’s status as a highly honored member of the Princeton faculty, the University should publicize its current investigation and Ruha Benjamin should substantiate and defend her claims.

Given Professor Benjamin’s status as a highly honored member of the Princeton faculty, the University should publicize its current investigation and Ruha Benjamin should substantiate and defend her claims.

OPINION | November 7

A gray gothic building is dusted with black soot.

We are a republic — but it’s up to young people to keep it

“In the future, the history books — if there are any — will either remember a failure of American institutions to defend our democracy, or they will paint a picture of our universities, press corps, and public servants as the last line of defense against a petty tyrant who tried — and failed — to wrest from us our most fundamental freedoms.”

“In the future, the history books — if there are any — will either remember a failure of American institutions to defend our democracy, or they will paint a picture of our universities, press corps, and public servants as the last line of defense against a petty tyrant who tried — and failed — to wrest from us our most fundamental freedoms.”

OPINION | November 6

Image of a sunset over the Whitman courtyard.

An ode to Princeton’s architectural tradition

However, the values promoted by the old style of architecture — wonder, aspiration, and growth grounded in reverence for tradition — are admirable as well, and don’t preclude the fostering of new values.

However, the values promoted by the old style of architecture — wonder, aspiration, and growth grounded in reverence for tradition — are admirable as well, and don’t preclude the fostering of new values.

OPINION | November 5

Students walk around a grass lawn strewn with fallen orange leaves.

When this election is over, let’s keep fighting for our rights

“But regardless of the result of the election, we must continue to fight for each other’s rights, to build community in spaces of resistance, and to work towards an equitable world. This starts by honoring the commitment and responsibility that we have to each other by continuing to engage in free advocacy and discourse at Princeton and beyond.”

“But regardless of the result of the election, we must continue to fight for each other’s rights, to build community in spaces of resistance, and to work towards an equitable world. This starts by honoring the commitment and responsibility that we have to each other by continuing to engage in free advocacy and discourse at Princeton and beyond.”

OPINION | November 5

A fountain in front of a white building with columns.

Trump’s anti-intellectualism is an attack against Princeton

“As members of a university community who benefit from our access to education and intellectual freedom, we have a responsibility to stop these plans by voting against Trump.”

“As members of a university community who benefit from our access to education and intellectual freedom, we have a responsibility to stop these plans by voting against Trump.”

OPINION | November 5

A sign in front of a planter and rock wall. The sign says “VOTE HERE,” with an American flag and arrow pointing to the left above.

Why isn’t Election Day an academic holiday?

“Princeton has educated senators, presidents, and countless local officials. How, though, are we expected to join the next generation of influential leaders if we don’t even have the time to practice our civic duties on the micro-level here at school?”

“Princeton has educated senators, presidents, and countless local officials. How, though, are we expected to join the next generation of influential leaders if we don’t even have the time to practice our civic duties on the micro-level here at school?”

OPINION | November 5

A blue and red box with text reading "official election ballot drop box" in front of a brick building on a fall day.

For the sake of future activism, progressive Princetonians should vote for Harris

“But the stakes have changed. It is easy to forget how much Trump’s rhetoric has devolved since the end of his first presidency — especially given how bad it was during that period — but it has.”

“But the stakes have changed. It is easy to forget how much Trump’s rhetoric has devolved since the end of his first presidency — especially given how bad it was during that period — but it has.”

OPINION | November 4

Two gothic buildings loom in the shot on a sunny day.

Where do idealogues die when free speech lives?

“When conservatives prime free speech to be understood as a sacred neutral, they disregard the truth that the ideal of free speech in itself — and the best way in which it should be pursued — is inherently dogmatic.”

“When conservatives prime free speech to be understood as a sacred neutral, they disregard the truth that the ideal of free speech in itself — and the best way in which it should be pursued — is inherently dogmatic.”

OPINION | October 31

A yellow tree is in front of a white marble building with modern columns.

Want to study abroad? You might be out of luck.

“Princeton’s study abroad policies undermine its emphasis on the international experience. Not only do the strict course approval process and inflexibility of major requirements deter students, but in several cases, it makes taking a semester abroad virtually impossible.”

“Princeton’s study abroad policies undermine its emphasis on the international experience. Not only do the strict course approval process and inflexibility of major requirements deter students, but in several cases, it makes taking a semester abroad virtually impossible.”

OPINION | October 31

A group of people congregate in front of a stone building. A small white tent with two people sitting under it is visible in the foreground.

An appeal to the majority: Let faculty have the option of a remote vote

“Several colleagues and I have proposed a new measure: if a faculty proposal passes, but at least six members in attendance object after its passage, our proposal would allow for remote voting by the full faculty on that proposal.”

“Several colleagues and I have proposed a new measure: if a faculty proposal passes, but at least six members in attendance object after its passage, our proposal would allow for remote voting by the full faculty on that proposal.”

OPINION | October 31

An ivy-covered building with shady trees in front.

Remove AlcoholEdu from online orientation programming

“Princeton should remove the online modules in favor of keeping such education in exclusively on-campus, in-person, and Princeton-specific, so students can better retain knowledge that helps keep them — and those around them — safe.”

“Princeton should remove the online modules in favor of keeping such education in exclusively on-campus, in-person, and Princeton-specific, so students can better retain knowledge that helps keep them — and those around them — safe.”

OPINION | October 31

White circle lights over white chairs around low tables on a carpeted floor. There are stairs in the background against a yellow wall.

Princeton must abolish the counselor recommendation letter

“Princeton must abolish the counselor recommendation entirely. Today, it is more of a reflection on the resources of the high school and the biases of the counselor than the merits of the individual student.”

“Princeton must abolish the counselor recommendation entirely. Today, it is more of a reflection on the resources of the high school and the biases of the counselor than the merits of the individual student.”

OPINION | October 30

A building of brown stone around a courtyard. A tree is in the distance through an archway. It is fall.

Manna isn’t trying to racialize religion

“Although it is not innately a bad thing when a religious group doubles as an ethnic or cultural affinity space, it does become harmful when that aspect defines the primary narrative surrounding it.”

“Although it is not innately a bad thing when a religious group doubles as an ethnic or cultural affinity space, it does become harmful when that aspect defines the primary narrative surrounding it.”

OPINION | October 29