We stand to gain a great deal as individuals and as a social group from revisiting the timeworn practice of dating.
Abstinence is at the center of a storm of controversy over our campus sexual ethic, but we all seem to be surprisingly ignorant about the different forms it can take.
Every year on April 24 we put a margarita glass in the hand of the John Witherspoon statue near East Pyne. Every once in a while, we screw around with an Orange Key tour. But when it comes to real feats — ones that take brains and brawn, time and effort — we come up short.
One aspect of membership that is critical in unifying the eating clubs and the residential colleges is the meal exchange program. Unfortunately, an arcane system of paper slips and perforated cards often results in the program being underutilized and students being charged excessive fines at the end of each month for open exchanges.
Could I eat in a way that was consistent with both my animal welfare and environmentalist values?
My personal sexual ethic paints the world in shades of grey.
Despite criticisms of pickups, the Editorial Board finds them to be a valuable Princeton tradition that ought to be continued.
I now foresee a semester filled with essays, and I aim to discover how to write them in a manner that is both productive and crazy-free.
I’m willing to deal with many of the other cost-cutting measures around campus. I prefer to have basic hygiene, however.
When it came to stingy Princeton students, Chad was the stingiest.
The University should require all professors — not just those who order from Labyrinth — to submit a book list to the registrar no later than the deadline for professors to submit the same list to Labyrinth.
The typical American may still possess that work ethic that Weber claimed as ours, but it is only the kind that leads to rewards for oneself.
I am arguing that the orthodox sexual ethic on campus today has little or nothing to say against incest and youth-adult sexual activity as such.
There is value to having our views challenged and, through argument, strengthened. Whig-Clio debates provide a forum for that.