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The Daily Princetonian

Snowed in at Princeton

The act of strolling to class was replaced with leaping, climbing, hoisting and crawling. That is, leaping over ice banks, ice-climbing up snow-mountains, hoisting myself up slip-and-slide staircases and, finally, crawling when there were no other options.

OPINION | 02/23/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Room dra(w)ma

I still haven't gotten used to sharing a space smaller than my room at home with other people, but I think I have learned a lot about compromise.

OPINION | 02/18/2010

The Daily Princetonian

The Olympics and human nature

Every two years, the Olympics display values and virtues that are universally recognized to be fundamentally, objectively good. It is not sport as such but the virtues that it instills in competitors and then presents to onlookers — who wish to see the best of which humanity is capable — that are universally attractive.

OPINION | 02/17/2010