Bipartisanship begins at home
Today, I would like to congratulate two campus leaders who have worked together, despite ideological differences, to produce positive change in the world beyond the Orange Bubble.
Today, I would like to congratulate two campus leaders who have worked together, despite ideological differences, to produce positive change in the world beyond the Orange Bubble.
In the past week, I’ve been approached by dozens of people, all of whom have the same question: “Are you really showing pornography this spring? And is the USG really paying for it?”
By recognizing the Greek organizations and subjecting them to University regulations, the University can ensure transparency and accountability in Princeton’s Greek life.
We seniors say things like, "It doesn't matter; we're graduating in June," "I'm just looking for a good time" or "Live it up while you can!"
It's important to recognize our limitations, but the answer isn't necessarily to do less. Sometimes the answer is to do what we do with a positive attitude.
In the ideal world envisaged by left-of-center Americans, the individual's health-care experience would be independent of that individual's socio-economic class. Right-of-center Americans envisage a world in which the individual's use of health care is, in the first place, his or her own financial responsibility.
Screening of pornography excludes some from the discussion.
I find New York fascinating, but I’ve only been three times because getting there is such a time commitment and because paying $22 each time adds up quickly.
We must not let our differences of opinion restrain us from talking about the threat that we face. The little awkward silence when the talk of terrorism comes up, the fear that one is being stereotyped, the feeling that we are being threatened must go.
When senior guard and co-captain Marcus Schroeder stepped to the free throw line for the third time on Saturday night, the men’s basketball team trailed Harvard by one point with 57 seconds left on the clock.
The proposed event is a legitimate use of USG money.
In light of economic and academic benefits, senior faculty members should seriously consider the University's new retirement plan and take up the University’s offer. Given the positive impact this program can have on the University, it is equally important that administrators firmly commit to it.
We should take some cues from the American penal system and adopt a more hierarchical sentencing approach. If the Honor Code is going to be the law of our land, we need to make sure that it is as fair as possible and that it is upheld with honor.
As a solution to the problem of matching people to the right club, I prefer a social meritocracy deciding my dining options over a computer algorithm doing the same task.
We think that sex requires a permanent and exclusive commitment because sex is the maximal form of engagement with another person.
The way we think about sex, as with any important facet of human experience, is inextricably bound up with how we talk about it.
I’ve observed that Princeton students have a tendency to argue with a troubling degree of certainty and stridency about issues that are either deeply complex or inherently irresolvable.