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The Daily Princetonian

Lessons from Frodo

The ability to consider competing moral reasons for action or inaction is a unique aspect of our humanity, and therefore so is the torment that accompanies particularly difficult decisions and the regret that follows deciding wrongly.

OPINION | 04/12/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Editorial: Returning student work

Returning mid-semester assignments before reading period and providing greater access to feedback on final exams and papers will provide students with a better understanding of how to improve on future assignments, and the University should incorporate both of these requirements into its academic regulations.

OPINION | 04/11/2010

The Daily Princetonian

The name game

Am I Joshua, Professor Katz or JTK? How do you know which name to use? And how, for that matter, do I know myself?

OPINION | 04/11/2010

The Daily Princetonian

I’m gonna be

As I approach my senior year, I am beginning to realize that in the real world, I will not be an athlete, salesperson, programmer, dentist, beekeeper or many of the other jobs in the song. As I suddenly realize that I can’t start my sentences about my future career path with “When I grow up” anymore, the words of the song become a lot more challenging.

OPINION | 04/08/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Editorial: A fairer way to allocate shared meal plans

Because each year spent in a residential college provides a student with an additional 0.1 points when drawing in that same college the next year, those with a shared meal plan their junior year have a significant advantage in securing a shared meal plan their senior year. Thus, the advantages of an early draw time junior year carry over to the next year, creating an unfair system that contradicts the notion that each year’s room draw presents students with an equal opportunity. 

OPINION | 04/08/2010

The Daily Princetonian

In my little town

For 19 years, I lived in a self-contained community that saw little of the outside world. In this vacuum of ideas, beliefs and identities, I saw my own experiences — as pleasant as they might have been — as nothing more than the flavorless norm. When I was finally given the opportunity to come to the other side of the country, I hoped to see and be a part of one for the first time.

OPINION | 04/08/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Apartheid label fits Israel

The U.N. definition of apartheid includes “any legislative measures” that deny members of a racial group certain rights. Among these are the right to work, the right to “freedom of movement and residence,” and the right to “freedom of opinion and expression.” Israel limits all of these rights.

OPINION | 04/07/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Making it in academia

There are many reasons to work in academia, whether for the joy of enriching young minds or for the satisfaction of making new discoveries, but job security is no longer one of them. Everyone in academia needs to accept this reality and help prepare its most vulnerable members for the alternatives.

OPINION | 04/07/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Preventing suicide, as a community

Our community has been deeply touched by the news of Cornell’s recent suicides. As we support their healing process, it is also important for us to affirm our commitment to the health and well-being of our own community, and to recognize that suicide prevention calls for a community effort at multiple levels.

OPINION | 04/06/2010