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The Daily Princetonian

Declared my major and Ma ain't happy

While for some people choosing a major is an agonizing decision filled with multiple “changed-my-mind”s, for me, it was more a realization that I had known what I wanted to do all along. In retrospect, I had really been leaning towards comparative literature for quite some time. My mom, however, was still hoping in her heart of hearts for a last-minute change to something practical like electrical engineering or operations research and financial engineering. She was not exactly thrilled.

OPINION | 09/27/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Changing meanings of victory and defeat

From our present vantage point, preventing any form of classical military defeat will no longer assure our safety from either aggression or terrorism. We might now be perfectly capable of warding off any more-or-less tangible defeat of our military forces, and perhaps even of winning more-or-less identifiable victories in Afghanistan and elsewhere. But, in the end, we may still have to face extraordinary or even existential harms.

OPINION | 09/27/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Editorial: Bring back the pub

A University-operated pub would provide a welcome and necessary alternative to the current on- and off-campus social options. By establishing a venue for responsible casual drinking, the University can facilitate a campus social scene that is more welcoming, safe and accessible to all members of the Princeton community. In the coming months, the working group should lend its support to the re-establishment of a campus pub and open dialogue with the Borough to gain its approval.

OPINION | 09/26/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Call me Ned

There’s an art and even some science to creating good user interfaces. One of the simplest rules is to enlist potential users as victims and get their frank opinions before the design is frozen.  Our world is full of gadgets and systems like my GPS that have focused on elaborate “features,” apparently at the expense of this basic step.

OPINION | 09/26/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Death of the bookstore

Fortunately, reading doesn’t have to fade, even if bookstores do. But unlike the idea of selling paper-and-ink books online, the e-reader will fundamentally change how books look. I suspect the e-reader phenomenon is the tip of an iceberg of innovation yet to come. The digital book will probably be the latest stage in a journey from scrolls and diligent Middle Age monks to paper and movable type. With each innovation, reading has become more affordable.

OPINION | 09/26/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Think Yiddish

Most of us have been looking through the registrar?s course offerings this past week ? either as freshmen picking classes or as upperclassmen looking for courses to switch into.

OPINION | 09/22/2010

The Daily Princetonian

The freedom to shoot the breeze

On the farm where I stayed in Honduras, there were not even telephones or electricity. I don’t know how my hosts would have reacted if I had mentioned that 1,900 miles away, men in boat shoes abounded with their noses buried in pocket-sized devices that could send and receive text messages, e-mails and phone calls.

OPINION | 09/21/2010