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The Daily Princetonian

Finding Snooki at Princeton

Princeton has traditionally staked its reputation on the most studious among us, but that whole boy-genius routine is passe. What Princeton needs now is some ridiculous bar fights, love affairs and fake tans. We need a Snooki.

OPINION | 11/16/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Would you own up to cheating?

Cheating is definitely not something limited to large public schools like UCF. That is why it is foolish to have an honor code based on our sense of “morality” as Princeton students. Being a Princeton student doesn’t make us any more moral or less prone to cheating than other college students. 

OPINION | 11/14/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Legacy for a day

By giving legacies a slight advantage in admissions, the University is allowing a reasonable advantage to students who already have an emotional connection with Princeton.

OPINION | 11/11/2010

The Daily Princetonian

The ‘social’ network

Think about the last time you ran into a member of a prestigious campus group or exclusive eating club. Were you not nicer, warmer and faker to him or her than you would have been to someone who had no such affiliations? How often do you spend precious Princetonian minutes reaching out to someone new, truly without ulterior motives?

OPINION | 11/10/2010

The Daily Princetonian

Exploring leadership at Princeton

After a year working on the Steering Committee on Undergraduate Women’s Leadership, we are both convinced that leadership is an issue that we all need to talk about, because it’s about far more than just getting more women to become eating club officers, or convincing men to join the Pace Council for Civic Values.

OPINION | 11/10/2010