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The Daily Princetonian

It's a bloodthirsty beast's world

I appreciate the urgency and analysis our USG president brought to the perception of men on campus. I also believe this point is close to irrelevant in light of the main problem — that women on campus feel, for whatever reason, that their energies would be better spent on activities other than leadership positions.

OPINION | 04/05/2011

The Daily Princetonian

The monopoly of the MPAA

­If an unelected committee whose membership is a secret dictated to all parents what their children are allowed to know and see, would that worry you? Would you feel like your liberties are being infringed upon? Though this scenario might sound like a feat worthy of Communist Party of the Soviet Union, I am, in fact, talking about the Motion Picture Association of America’s current stranglehold over movie ratings. While the institutionalized exclusion of teenagers from the consumption of art is problematic in itself, I will argue that the MPAA’s peculiar choices of which content to restrict further exacerbate the issue.

OPINION | 04/04/2011

The Daily Princetonian

Hegemony in the politics department

The Department of Politics at Princeton is perhaps the finest in the nation, which makes it even more representative of the scandal that American political science has become. Teaching here is dominated by the fetishizing of certain methods, a cold shoulder to theory and the abandonment of reality. The result is a combination of model-made abstraction and number-numbing specificity that has made political science irrelevant to politicians, policy makers and, lest we forget, the general public.

OPINION | 04/04/2011

The Daily Princetonian

Millennial Generation defines its future

I find it hard to believe that there really is an “isolationist” attitude held by our generation. From everything I’ve seen at Princeton, the opposite is true. Students here seem to acknowledge that we are intimately connected with the world outside of the United States and are deeply involved with international politics regardless of whether or not we think we should be.

OPINION | 04/03/2011

The Daily Princetonian

Editorial: Reforming course evaluations

Because the course evaluations are University-sponsored and must be filled out (or at the very least, declined) before a student can see the prior semester’s grades on SCORE, the data they yield is far more comprehensive. Hence, it is important that the registrar make course evaluations as informative and useful as possible.

OPINION | 04/03/2011

The Daily Princetonian

Celebrating success

At Princeton, winners of well-respected scholarships like the Rhodes and Marshall are written up in the ‘Prince’ and featured on the homepage. Winners of the class prizes are awarded at opening exercises so that bright-eyed freshman can all think that they will be receiving those awards next year. Yet other than in these extreme situations, sharing and celebrating academic success is generally frowned upon.

OPINION | 03/31/2011

The Daily Princetonian

Why the defensive shield is justified

I cannot possibly fathom the hatred that motivates one to launch rockets from a Palestinian school compound into Israel, risking Palestinian children’s lives to attack Israeli children. Until I do, or until this hatred no longer exists to be fathomed, I will stand by Israel’s right and responsibility to protect its citizens.

OPINION | 03/30/2011

The Daily Princetonian

Engender equality

The report issued by the Steering Committee on Undergraduate Women's Leaship may have accidentally stirred up harmful gender stereotypes that undermine its mission to develop leaders and achieve gender parity.

OPINION | 03/29/2011