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The Daily Princetonian

The Princeton pressure

While some assume that we are supposed to come to campus with spectacular resumes, we must remember that truly extraordinary accomplishments almost always come well after college is over. The point is not to have accomplished great things before coming in, but to use Princeton’s resources to maximize our own potential after we graduate.

OPINION | 09/26/2011

The Daily Princetonian

My two Ferdinands

There are two Ferdinands in my life. The first, a nearly lifelong acquaintance, is a bull. Born 75 years ago, right before the start of the Spanish Civil War, “el toro feroz Ferdinando” was one of my favorite characters when I was a child.

OPINION | 09/25/2011

The Daily Princetonian

On statecraft and stunts

The borders of this “state” will bear no relation to reality. Forget the disputes with Israel over territory — Abbas doesn’t even have control over Hamas-run Gaza. This “Palestine” will be a fantasy, a state in name only. On the ground, the arrangement will be meaningless.

OPINION | 09/21/2011

The Daily Princetonian

The bottom line

I’m struck by the constant rejection of, or even outright disdain for, any implication that financial or economic thinking is anything other than Devil worship, countered to the pure good of public service or simple love for a profession.

OPINION | 09/21/2011

The Daily Princetonian

Whose campus is it anyway?

As an upperclassman myself, I realize how fun it is to be on campus with no commitments. I also understand that it’s important for freshmen to see campus as it is with all of its members, to begin to find their niche within the larger campus community. I think a compromise could be having half of freshman week freshmen-only, and the other half with all classes on campus.

OPINION | 09/21/2011