Editorial: A call for more gender-neutral housing
Editorial BoardAs we have argued in the past, a gender-neutral option should be extended to all upperclassman housing.
As we have argued in the past, a gender-neutral option should be extended to all upperclassman housing.
Lights up on Wu Dining Hall at dinnertime. Four friends sit around a table. It’s Saturday evening and dark outside...
I am skeptical that there is much that can be said universally about sexual ethics. Many claim that sex has the natural purpose of procreation, and thus all non-procreative sex is unacceptable. Yet cancer, rape and war certainly seem more natural parts of the human experience than marriage for love or disease control, if we look to history.
Take a foreign language. Study what you love, but figure out what you want to do with yourself at the end of four years and be prepared to do it. Fiercely guard your free time. Sleep. Eat. Exercise. Soak up every minute of this beautiful campus and the people here.
Those who virulently oppose the Bicker process should bear in mind how much of our society, and especially our university, is predicated on exclusion. West College is always proud to announce year after year record-low admittance rates, which can be directly translated into more and more students being rejected every year.
Though there are certainly admirable qualities to studying what you love and are passionate about, we must also consider the political and economics landscape in which we live. This is bad news for people like me, who favor the humanities as a matter of both interest and ability.
The late-night study session is a near-unavoidable element of student life at Princeton. We certainly don’t deny that we’re pampered already — but through some simple changes, the University can significantly improve the experience of night owls across campus.
All this is a reminder of how dependent we are on infrastructure without which we can’t operate at all, let alone enjoy the services that we take for granted.
Eventually, we will be thrown into a world where we must produce to stay afloat, no matter the sector in which we are employed. Hopefully, for our own sanities, we will enter that world not as miniature factories, but as beings ready, willing and able to fully interact with our jobs and our lives.
Cell phone addiction is merely the most visible symptom of a much deeper pathology. The basic “disease” that we now suffer is a painful incapacity to ever be at real peace with ourselves.
Ensuring that as many freshmen as possible participate in an activity they enjoy would both increase the number likely to sign up for pre-orientation and the value they derive from it.
The sexual decisions each of us contribute to a culture affect everyone on this campus, particularly in the expectation surrounding romance, which the University recognizes implicitly in “Sex on a Saturday Night?"
My point is not that resumes are unnecessary or detrimental to your application process — unless you’re competing against me for a job, in which case, don’t worry your little head about making a resume at all (Disclaimer: I’m kidding ... kind of). Rather, what I think is necessary to come away from this with is the fact that a resume cannot, and should not be assumed to, measure personal worth or the value of experiences.
It should go without saying that in our response to the threat of terrorism, we must not violate the values our society holds dear. But as the speakers themselves acknowledged explicitly, the terror attacks were born of no intolerance on our part. And to some degree, the lesson of the attacks was that liberal society should make an active effort not to tolerate the most dangerously illiberal values wherever they are held.