Not easily said or done
Anonymity is one of those words I?ve always had a hard time pronouncing ? like Pixar?s Nemo describing an ?anemone.? And yet, this year I?ve had a lot of chances to practice this tricky word.
Anonymity is one of those words I?ve always had a hard time pronouncing ? like Pixar?s Nemo describing an ?anemone.? And yet, this year I?ve had a lot of chances to practice this tricky word.
The exclusion of race in admissions would make it an unfair process due to the psychological concept of stereotype threat.
The issue of identity — who we are, why we’re here, what we’re living for — is crucial but often overlooked. The day-to-day grind, at Princeton especially, can force us to spend most of our time focusing on the next urgent thing to get done. However, the overarching purpose we each choose to live out ultimately flows into all other aspects of our lives and, as such, deserves serious reflection.
Nathan Mathabane’s column last week raised a question that I think many of us have struggled with for some time: What are we doing here? I mean specifically here, at Princeton. To what end goal do we put in all this work?
A well-informed friend tells me that Princeton may have decided to join the Yellow Ribbon Program after all. I very much hope this is true.
Governor Daniels, we believe that policies limiting provider choice without consideration of cost and quality are wasteful; and we believe that the rights of women to access basic health care services are worth your veto.
The Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin case has increased the scrutiny of the college admissions process. Currently, Princeton, like the University of Texas, has a race-based affirmative action policy, giving extra weight to race in the admissions decision. Though factors like geography and socioeconomic class are also weighed, given the extensive statistics available on the student body’s racial breakdown and the uneven progress toward racial rather than socioeconomic diversity, no factors are weighed as strongly as race. Because there is academic value in a diverse student body, we urge the University to attach more value to overcoming socioeconomic rather than racial barriers in admissions decisions.
Thanks to the horror stories that circulate, compliance with the honor system is almost universal, but for the wrong reasons. I don’t think I’m incorrect in saying the majority of us don’t cheat, but this isn’t because we’re doing what we think is right. It’s because we’re afraid of getting caught, and, above all, because we’re afraid of getting punished.
The reality that there is a decent amount of data about our lives online means people are now concerned with “maintaining” their online identity. Identifying how you want to appear to others, and correcting where necessary to prevent aberrations from this ideal. You may, for example, have been told to cultivate a personal brand. To find a way to market yourself, establish your worth. I’d rather not, thank you very much. Because I am not a brand, I am a person.
According to Brooks, a major symptom of the hyper-industrious, achievement-seeking “organization kid” native to university environments such as ours is a distinct lack of “moral articulateness.” This is a serious problem in the University and is one that we must address as students ourselves.
Over the course of our slightly awkward exchange, it came up that I spent a fair chunk of my senior year oscillating between spending my next four years at Princeton and spending them at Penn, which at the time I valued very highly for not being in my home state of The Dirty Jerz.
But it is crucial that we “cry sexism” as long as it exists. I agree with Jones that the goal of feminism is not to divide the sexes in a war of women against men. And yes, it would be wrong to create a problem to garner sympathy and attention. But it is worse to ignore a real problem for fear of rocking the boat.
It appears Thanksgiving has slowly morphed from being a traditional winter holiday, when people came together to eat huge portions and tolerate distant relatives, to merely preparation for Black Friday
We give thanks, only to return to malls and stores to purchase more of what we want and think we need.