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The Daily Princetonian

The beauty of not knowing

One of the reasons we come to the University is to accumulate knowledge, but a more important aspect is the building of our capacity to understand how that knowledge is useful. Perhaps, since any factoid can be unearthed immediately, the new frontier of not knowing exists exclusively in the realm of sophisticated problem solving — Princeton teaching us how to think.

OPINION | 02/10/2013

The Daily Princetonian

On TigerTracks

But every time I log into TigerTracks, it feels like a hassle. Will I find something useful, or won’t I? How often do I have to log in to find a relevant position — every day, week, month? Do I need to upload an updated resume? Was I automatically logged out again? For what it’s worth, I do find TigerTracks to be pretty good. Pretty, pretty, pretty … pretty good. However, I would suggest a few updates.

OPINION | 02/07/2013

The Daily Princetonian

The trouble with take-home exams

In a large body of students, a few will always be tempted to cheat if the opportunity presents itself, but if surreptitiously glancing at a fellow classmate’s test or your own notes is already considered blatant cheating, almost nobody thinks of doing what the Harvard students did. However, because the usual prohibited behaviors were allowed, the format acted as sort of gateway to more extreme methods of cheating.

OPINION | 02/06/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Embracing my mother's tyranny

My hunch is that other women have something most women in Slaughter’s demographic don’t — a support network that reaches beyond the nuclear family to more distant relatives and friends. It seems that families with lower incomes on the whole tend to live closer to one another — if not together — and interact more frequently.

OPINION | 02/06/2013

The Daily Princetonian

In defense of (true) leadership

By creating a dichotomy of leaders and followers, you ignore the complexity of human ability. Every great leader has, at one point, had to follow. I would go so far as to say that true leaders understand the necessity of being able to take direction, to surrender notions of ultimate authority and to value more logical systems of checks and balances.

OPINION | 02/05/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Dolce far niente

While I enjoy moving forward in this amazing crowd of future senators, Pulitzer Prize-winning authors, mol-bio researchers and the like, I must admit that sometimes I feel as if I’m walking while everyone is sprinting before the words “ready, set, go” have even been said.

OPINION | 02/05/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Ethics of finance

There needs to be an undergraduate course at Princeton that addresses the ethics of finance. It’s a no-brainer, really, or at least it ought to be, especially in light of the recent fiscal crisis; the growing inequality our country faces; the Sandy Hook tragedy and the arms-manufacturing divestment responses of many Americans, including Princeton alumni and faculty and the fact that one-third of Princeton graduates go into the financial sector. By not offering such a course (or courses), Princeton falls short of its educational mission.

OPINION | 02/04/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Leadership schmeadership

The more I work in groups and observe their dynamics, the more certain I am that the idea that everyone should be a leader is a misplaced ideal. In fact, I would go as far as to say that it is a person’s following potential, not their leadership potential, that maps more closely with academic and social success.

OPINION | 02/04/2013

The Daily Princetonian

More than Bin Laden

Rarely does a different perspective on Pakistan make its way into the headlines of major newspapers. Most readers in the West are completely ignorant of the country’s contemporary society, rich cultural heritage, mystic traditions and great intellectuals.

OPINION | 02/04/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Letter from the editor

In some ways, this is a departure from the past, when the printed version represented the core of our identity. Nevertheless, both online and in print, our mission remains the same: to inform the University community on key campus issues and to provide the analysis that our readers cannot get anywhere else.

OPINION | 02/03/2013

The Daily Princetonian

On-campus social events

In recent years the University has attempted to improve campus-based social life, partly in an effort to reduce the influence of the eating clubs and increase school spirit. The Board believes the high attendance at events such as the Silent Disco and the dodgeball tournament is evidence of potential for sustained success in hosting University-based social events that attract a broad swath of campus.

OPINION | 02/03/2013