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The Daily Princetonian

On nontraditional applicants

On Jan. 1, applications for regular decisions admission to the Class of 2017 were due. In the past few decades, Princeton has made great progress in encouraging students from a diverse group of socioeconomic backgrounds to apply for admission.

OPINION | 01/13/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Editorial: Rush ban success!!*

As predicted by the University, social exclusivity within the freshman class has vanished almost entirely. Without the extensive social engineering imposed by fraternities and sororities, freshmen have finally been able to become equally close with each and every member of their residential college.

OPINION | 01/10/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Sucks to be an athlete*

Male student athletes face limited romantic prospects as well. They are often forced to exclusively hook up with the shallowest — admittedly, also the hottest — girls on Princeton’s campus. A plain, sensitive, intellectual girl would never dream of hooking up with a varsity athlete. So goes the discrimination.

OPINION | 01/10/2013

The Daily Princetonian

The art of political protest

Protest is certainly a good thing, but those who decide to protest should make an attempt to appear rational and reasonable. The civil rights movement succeeded in part because its supporters protested not only without being violent but also without being smart-asses about it.  

OPINION | 01/08/2013

The Daily Princetonian


Making resolutions has become so engrained in our celebration of the New Year that it has begun to feel more like an obligatory ritual than a true setting of goals and plan for achievement. A change in our attitude toward making resolutions might help us solve an array of the problems we face, from household kitchen tables to the floor of Congress.

OPINION | 01/08/2013

The Daily Princetonian


Strugg. Strugg life. “All aboard the struggle bus!” If you’re an upperclassman, I am pretty much certain that you’ve heard these terms from a friend who has just been hit with a tidal wave of papers, problem sets and independent research.

OPINION | 01/06/2013

The Daily Princetonian

What Princeton women want

Princeton is educating future doctors, lawyers, bankers and politicians. But it is also educating future mothers and fathers, Little League coaches and PTA members. We need to prepare ourselves for the latter positions as well as the former.

OPINION | 01/06/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Dear Santa

Dear Santa: For Christmas, I’d really like some solitude, long beautiful hours to stretch empty before me whenever and however I want.

OPINION | 12/13/2012

The Daily Princetonian

We're keeping anonymity

As one anonymous commenter wrote in response to Tilghman’s letter, “A few nasty comments here and there is an infinitesimally small price to pay for truly free, unabridged speech.” We agree.

OPINION | 12/13/2012

The Daily Princetonian

The great garden state

But it’s not for our gardens or wilderness that I love this great state. I love New Jersey for its eccentricity. The examples of New Jersey’s more questionable and decidedly bizarre state actions — seriously, who makes a law against pumping your own gas? — are rife, but two in particular impress and amuse me to no end.

OPINION | 12/12/2012

The Daily Princetonian

On Tiger Compliments

Tiger Compliments gives us a forum to identify and prioritize what we value in each other, rather than what society values in us. It reminds us that what we value in each other should be the driving factor in our sense of self-worth. Given the overwhelming positive response to the Facebook page, it seems time for a paradigm shift. Hopefully, Tiger Compliments is just the beginning.

OPINION | 12/12/2012

The Daily Princetonian

The process behind the product

When I chose to try to do something ambitious, I signed up to fail. This failure has been uncomfortable, sure. But so is stagnation, and if I hadn’t chosen the former, I would be arrogant, scared and stunted. I can’t imagine myself as a person without the ‘Prince,’ and I suspect that for many other student leaders, their failure has defined them as well. No matter the product, it’s difficult to achieve anything without the process leaving at least a little bit of an indent.

OPINION | 12/12/2012