Preserving Princeton
News of the Newtown tragedy united America in grief. My mother was in a state of disarray for days; our commander-in-chief broke down in front of the nation, not so much as a president, but as a father.
News of the Newtown tragedy united America in grief. My mother was in a state of disarray for days; our commander-in-chief broke down in front of the nation, not so much as a president, but as a father.
As visits for admitted prospective graduate students roll around this year, current students rally to convince prospective ones that, despite its isolation, life in Princeton really does have its benefits.
About a month ago, I opened an email asking me, ?What would you do with ten thousand dollars?? It wasn?t spam from Groupon or some Nigeria prince asking for a ticket to the states; it was our University Student Government telling me I could win ten thousand dollars if I went to a basketball game dressed up with school spirit and got picked to take a half court shot and made it.
Have you ever felt guilty when, after several hours at a party, you wished you were spending the time watching a movie or reading a book?
Learning a foreign language is an invaluable experience that can open up many doors in the business world.
In most classes at Princeton, students are instructed to read texts critically. We?re asked to do more than just absorb information; we must engage arguments and their implications seriously.
The Honor Committee recently announced that it would be holding focus groups to solicit student opinions regarding the punishment for writing after time has been called on exams.
While relaxing during break, I received an email titled ?Princeton Investing in Assault Weapons.? It was about a recent petition urging the school to divest from assault weapon manufacturers in light of the Newtown tragedy.
While Princeton students are able to fulfill distribution requirements with numerous courses that can be taken pass/D/fail, students are required to take all introductory level language courses on a graded, no-P/D/F scale.
While Princeton students are able to fulfill distribution requirements with numerous courses that can be taken pass/D/fail, students are required to take all introductory level language courses on a graded, no-P/D/F scale.
Last Friday, I tried to donate blood. I hydrated throughout the day, walked across campus for my 2 p.m.
?I love learning. I love learning. I love learning.? This was my friend?s mantra as she looked at her calendar, highlighted with a hectic schedule of endless lectures, precepts, seminars and office hours ? each with its own ensuing work.
Last Friday, I tried to donate blood. I hydrated throughout the day, walked across campus for my 2 p.m.
Regarding ?In 2008 survey, 1 in 6 female undergraduates reported non-consensual vaginal penetration? (Monday, March 4, 2013)I agreed to be interviewed because I was excited for the opportunity to elevate the issue of sexual assault in the campus consciousness and help spark student interest in related activism.
Over the last several years, the number of reports to the Honor Committee identifying students working over time during an examination increased dramatically.
Regarding ?Editorial: Sex reassignment surgery? (Monday, March 4, 2013)I am pleased the Editorial Board came out in support of ?sex reassignment surgery.? The endorsement to 1) go beyond limitations set by insurers and 2) support trans Princetonians as part of our institutional commitment to being a welcoming and inclusive community should be applauded.
Though Princeton does not have a law school, Princetonians have Sonia Sotomayor ?76, Elena Kagan ?81 and Samuel Alito ?72 currently in the Supreme Court as examples of those who successfully made it into the world of law.
The question I most hate answering is, “What major are you thinking about?” It’s not that I don’t have one in mind — it’s the judgment I know I’m inevitably going to receive in response.
Gays and straights alike often bring up the topic of gay marriage with me ? they want to rejoice in this judicial victory or poke fun at that idiotic Republican for his archaic views on marriage, and, as a left-leaning gay person, I am expected to join in.
In 2008, several University offices conducted a survey on the sexual experiences of Princeton undergraduates from the Classes of 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011, with the goal of quantifying the prevalence of sexual assault on campus.