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The Daily Princetonian

Princeton should provide broader financial aid

“Princeton IS affordable.” “For more than three decades, we've considered students for admission to Princeton without concern over their families' ability to pay —and offered aid to cover 100 percent of each admitted student’s need.” “We … meet 100 percent of each admitted student’s financial need with generous aid packages.” These are just a few examples of how the University brags about its financial aid packages on its financial aid website. Princeton’s peer institutions all spew the same rhetoric.

OPINION | 09/23/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Called out by name

On Sept. 10, The Daily Princetonian published a news article, "Student charged with drug possession at Princeton Stadium," about an undergraduate student who was arrested by the University's Department of Public Safety for allegedly being in possession of marijuana and psilocybin, a compound found in psychedelic mushrooms, at the Princeton Stadium.

OPINION | 09/23/2014

The Daily Princetonian

All books are equal, but some are more equal than others

In economics, a textbook would be called a highly inelastic good — each new generation of students inevitably needs it and, generally, each student will acquire it (often regardless of cost). Though the University's libraries have sets of these high-in-demand goods, they often sit on the shelves, unused, instead of being utilized by the students who need them the most. With each new semester comes a new list of textbooks to purchase for classes.

OPINION | 09/21/2014