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The Daily Princetonian

Textbooks should be free

This semester I have spent $319.42 on textbooks. The single most expensive of these cost me $129.47, and that’s after Labyrinth Books’ “student discount.” This has always struck me as one of the most ludicrous parts of life at the University and at colleges in general.

OPINION | 09/30/2015

The Daily Princetonian

A logic error by the socially liberal: Rachel Dolezal

One woman, two reporters and a slow news week was the right mix to turn the scandal surrounding Rachel Dolezal, former president of the Spokane, Wash., NAACP, into a national media sensation.You don’t want to hear about her again, and listen, I don’t want to be talking about her three months after we all abandoned her story for newer and shinier outrages.

OPINION | 09/30/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Eating Evil

I used to think that North Korea jokes were funny. I didn’t bother watching "The Interview," but I definitely had a good laugh at all of the jokes about the country in other media like "Team America: World Police" and the TV show "Archer." Yet, as I found out, what really makes us laugh about those jokes is that they make us uncomfortable, which I found out one day in Beijing this past summer. My friends and I had decided on a whim to go to a Beijing outpost of the North Korean government —a state-owned North Korean restaurant.

OPINION | 09/28/2015