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“It’s late,” I say. “I try to be in bed by midnight.” “Of course, you little humanities major, you,” she chuckles patronizingly. “If you can go to bed this early, you clearly don’t have a lot of work to do.”

OPINION | 03/28/2017

The Daily Princetonian

A united Europe

In light of this threat, we have to protect and defend the European Union as the unifying, effective, and powerful body that it truly is. Without it, Europe would surely be in a more disorderly state of affairs.

OPINION | 03/27/2017

The Daily Princetonian

Don't tear up the Tory

A few weeks ago, my family called and asked if I planned to watch the President’s joint address to Congress. I told them that I didn't, and framed my nonparticipation as an act of political dissent. I said I wasn’t going to dignify Trump by giving him my attention. But the truth is, I had forgotten that the speech was even scheduled, having been so bogged down with other stresses and demands. 

OPINION | 03/27/2017

The Daily Princetonian

Editorial: gender neutral housing

At the start of each April, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors eagerly make living arrangements for the following academic year through the room draw process. Since there is a considerable disparity in the quality of different housing arrangements, the rules for room draw enhance living choice for some students while restricting it for others.

OPINION | 03/26/2017

The Daily Princetonian


The minimalist composer John Cage had a catchphrase: I have nothing to say and I’m saying it. That’s me. I text my friends all the time, especially when I have nothing to say. I do this because I hate being alone. I stay for hours when I eat dinner at Terrace, not so much to procrastinate working as to procrastinate leaving a social space for a carrel in Firestone that I find to be way too quiet.

OPINION | 03/16/2017