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Open Letters

A group of protestors stand in front of a fountain

Princeton, practice what you preach: SPIA graduate students on protest and dialogue

"As policy students, we are appalled by the blatant hypocrisy of the University administration, which has relied on fear-mongering and false narratives to discredit student protestors. We are increasingly disillusioned with the dissonance of what we are taught in our classrooms and the University’s actions."

"As policy students, we are appalled by the blatant hypocrisy of the University administration, which has relied on fear-mongering and false narratives to discredit student protestors. We are increasingly disillusioned with the dissonance of what we are taught in our classrooms and the University’s actions."

OPINION | May 13

Protesters holding signs gather in front of a gray stone building with green vines.

Faculty call on the Board of Trustees to act in face of hunger strike

“The Princeton University administration should understand that the law loses its moral force when it becomes so detached from ethics and basic human decency. The administration is sacrificing its moral sense and its purported affiliation to human decency in the name of upholding arbitrarily designed and implemented campus rules and regulations.”

“The Princeton University administration should understand that the law loses its moral force when it becomes so detached from ethics and basic human decency. The administration is sacrificing its moral sense and its purported affiliation to human decency in the name of upholding arbitrarily designed and implemented campus rules and regulations.”

OPINION | May 12

Several dozen people stand in front of a sunlit building.

Reject Israel Shabbat, join Solidarity Shabbat

"Tonight’s “Israel Shabbat,” as well as the day-to-day celebration of Israel in light of its international human rights violations and brutality over the last seven months, has alienated many Jewish students critical of the ethno-state’s actions."

"Tonight’s “Israel Shabbat,” as well as the day-to-day celebration of Israel in light of its international human rights violations and brutality over the last seven months, has alienated many Jewish students critical of the ethno-state’s actions."

OPINION | May 10

Crowd of people around an orange bus.

Faculty letter to U. admin calling for VP Calhoun’s resignation

“We demand the immediate resignation of VP Calhoun, in whose leadership we have lost all faith following her untruthful and, in our opinion, deliberately misleading representation of student protesters, that has proven to be the real threat to the Princeton University community.”

"We demand the immediate resignation of VP Calhoun, in whose leadership we have lost all faith following her untruthful and, in our opinion, deliberately misleading representation of student protesters, that has proven to be the real threat to the Princeton University community."


A large group of protestors across from a building.

An open letter to President Eisgruber and VP Calhoun concerning minoritized student safety

"We — the undersigned leaders, community members, and allies of cultural affinity groups of Princeton University — condemn in the strongest possible terms the University’s utter disregard for the safety and wellbeing of its students of color."

"We — the undersigned leaders, community members, and allies of cultural affinity groups of Princeton University — condemn in the strongest possible terms the University’s utter disregard for the safety and wellbeing of its students of color."


A group of protestors march in front of a building with ivy.

Statement of solidarity with Columbia University students from Princeton faculty and staff

In an open letter, Princeton University faculty and staff express solidarity with Columbia University and Barnard College student protestors by boycotting the universities until their demands are met.

In an open letter, Princeton University faculty and staff express solidarity with Columbia University and Barnard College student protestors by boycotting the universities until their demands are met.

OPINION | April 22

Protestor in front of Nassau Hall, with their back to the camera, wearing a keffiyeh and holding up a sign that reads "No more $$$$ for genocide."

An open letter from Faculty for Justice in Palestine

“We raise our voices in defense of our students, as well as students around the United States, who are under threat of censure and reprisal for taking political stands that are moral, reasonable, and valid in a free society.”

“We raise our voices in defense of our students, as well as students around the United States, who are under threat of censure and reprisal for taking political stands that are moral, reasonable, and valid in a free society.”

OPINION | November 29

Nassau Hall dimly lit with warm lighting at dusk.

Open letter to Princeton administrators on combatting antisemitism

“Without infringing on rights to free expression, the following concrete actions — done now, before the situation further deteriorates — will help ensure the University remains a place for Jewish students, faculty, and staff to thrive.”

“Without infringing on rights to free expression, the following concrete actions — done now, before the situation further deteriorates — will help ensure the University remains a place for Jewish students, faculty, and staff to thrive.”

OPINION | November 24

A white building with columns stands on a grassy hill in front of a brick building.

Statement of support for Dean Amaney Jamal from SPIA students and alumni

As current and former students from SPIA, we will not entertain the baseless and Islamophobic accusations leveled against Dean Amaney Jamal which deliberately ignore her clear, expressed stance on this issue. Dean Jamal has our full support as a professor and administrator, and her humanity is not up for debate. 

As current and former students from SPIA, we will not entertain the baseless and Islamophobic accusations leveled against Dean Amaney Jamal which deliberately ignore her clear, expressed stance on this issue. Dean Jamal has our full support as a professor and administrator, and her humanity is not up for debate. 

OPINION | October 24

Rubble of destroyed buildings in a city.

An open letter from Princeton faculty and students in solidarity with Gaza

"We call upon the University administration to uphold the values that Princeton stands for. We serve the nation and serve humanity by collectively working for peace and justice."

"We call upon the University administration to uphold the values that Princeton stands for. We serve the nation and serve humanity by collectively working for peace and justice."

OPINION | October 22

People walking and protesting with signs on a city street, with buildings in the background.

Princeton must remain steadfast and transparent in its divestment commitments

"The Princeton community was encouraged by the promises made a year ago, but those words need to be followed up with bold action and true leadership."

"The Princeton community was encouraged by the promises made a year ago, but those words need to be followed up with bold action and true leadership."

OPINION | September 28


An open letter in solidarity with Satyel Larson and in support of academic freedom

“The CJL’s suggestion that Princeton students and faculty should not study controversial texts represents an attack on the very mandate of the University, which is to create an environment in which we wrestle with and question ideas, including — it should go without saying — some of the most pressing issues of our time.”

“The CJL’s suggestion that Princeton students and faculty should not study controversial texts represents an attack on the very mandate of the University, which is to create an environment in which we wrestle with and question ideas, including — it should go without saying — some of the most pressing issues of our time.”

OPINION | 08/18/2023

Tiger statue with cardboard sign reading "the time to act is now."

Environmental GPA: An open letter on Princeton’s retirement plans and fossil fuels

“Educators across the country are challenging TIAA to live up to its claim to ‘champion green initiatives, address environmental justice and lead our industry in modeling sustainable behavior’ and its recognition that ‘climate risk is investment risk.’ Our faculty and staff should join those at Cornell, SUNY, Rutgers, and other universities to pass a resolution urging TIAA to fully divest their funds of fossil fuels.”

“Educators across the country are challenging TIAA to live up to its claim to ‘champion green initiatives, address environmental justice and lead our industry in modeling sustainable behavior’ and its recognition that ‘climate risk is investment risk.’ Our faculty and staff should join those at Cornell, SUNY, Rutgers, and other universities to pass a resolution urging TIAA to fully divest their funds of fossil fuels.”

OPINION | 05/11/2023


Dear Princeton, you must do more on Title IX

“Princeton has repeatedly failed survivors of sexual violence. As alumni of the Princeton Class of 2022, we call upon Princeton University to take action to protect survivors and to implement measures that ensure safe, accessible, and just processes to keep our campus safe.”

“Princeton has repeatedly failed survivors of sexual violence. As alumni of the Princeton Class of 2022, we call upon Princeton University to take action to protect survivors and to implement measures that ensure safe, accessible, and just processes to keep our campus safe.”

OPINION | 04/03/2023


An open letter from alumni on mental health

“Too many of us believed, like I did, that seeking help was a sign of weakness or failure. Many of us wish we sought help sooner. And we wish we had defeated the stigma, so you wouldn’t have to face it.”

“Too many of us believed, like I did, that seeking help was a sign of weakness or failure. Many of us wish we sought help sooner. And we wish we had defeated the stigma, so you wouldn’t have to face it.”

OPINION | 03/05/2023

postdoc protest angel kuo (2).jpg

Postdoc pay raise: What collective action can do for us all

In reference to the previous open letter written in April 2022, the PUPS wrote, “Princeton has yet to acknowledge our letter, nor did they consult us in making these decisions. We deserve much more transparency and respect. We deserve a seat at the table.”

In reference to the previous open letter written in April 2022, the PUPS wrote, “Princeton has yet to acknowledge our letter, nor did they consult us in making these decisions. We deserve much more transparency and respect. We deserve a seat at the table.”

OPINION | 01/30/2023

Picture of University chapel with two trees in foreground. Some leaves are orange and yellow, suggesting it’s autumn. A few people are standing in the background.

Christian campus groups: We condemn the hate speech on Washington Road

“We, the leaders of various Christian fellowships, ministries, and groups at Princeton University, write this letter to condemn hatred and bigotry. We unequivocally condemn this rhetoric as antithetical to the Christian faith.”

“We, the leaders of various Christian fellowships, ministries, and groups at Princeton University, write this letter to condemn hatred and bigotry. We unequivocally condemn this rhetoric as antithetical to the Christian faith.”

OPINION | 12/13/2022


With the IHRA definition of antisemitism, the CJL alienates left-wing Jewish students

“In prioritizing the protection of Zionism over the protection of Jewish students on this campus, the CJL betrays the cause it claims to care so much about. The Princeton Jewish community, and Princeton students in general, deserve better than this political stunt masquerading as an attempt to fight antisemitism.”

“In prioritizing the protection of Zionism over the protection of Jewish students on this campus, the CJL betrays the cause it claims to care so much about. The Princeton Jewish community, and Princeton students in general, deserve better than this political stunt masquerading as an attempt to fight antisemitism.”

OPINION | 11/15/2022

Louis A. Simpson building

An open letter calling on Princeton to accept the Duolingo English Test as part of international application process

“Princeton has made the application process more just and accessible in many ways, from the new Financial Aid policy to offering application cost waivers to low-income applicants. Yet, it still requires internationals to take extremely overpriced tests to prove their English proficiency.” 

“Princeton has made the application process more just and accessible in many ways, from the new Financial Aid policy to offering application cost waivers to low-income applicants. Yet, it still requires internationals to take extremely overpriced tests to prove their English proficiency.”

OPINION | 10/27/2022

PRINCO offices reusable caption

An open letter from Indigenous leaders on Princeton’s holdings in lithium mining

“We need your help. Princeton University must divest from Lithium Americas Corporation. To continue to profit from the destruction of land, water, wildlife habitat, and indigenous communities and sacred sites is morally reprehensible.”

“We need your help. Princeton University must divest from Lithium Americas Corporation. To continue to profit from the destruction of land, water, wildlife habitat, and indigenous communities and sacred sites is morally reprehensible.”

OPINION | 08/17/2022