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The Daily Princetonian

Updated: Dubbs '14, Lloyd-Damnjanovic '14 awarded Sachs Scholarships

Katie Dubbs ’14 and Anastasya Lloyd-Damnjanovic ’14 were awarded Sachs Scholarships. Dubbs received the Sachs Global Scholarship and will spend next year studying in Vienna, Austria, and Lloyd-Damnjanovic won the Sachs Scholarship to study at Worcester College, Oxford. Following their first interviews this past Saturday, both received a phone call from a committee member on Sunday morning asking them to head to Frist Campus Center to answer additional questions.

NEWS | 12/10/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Proposed pipeline construction generates debate

Princeton Ridge, an area in the northern region of the town of Princeton and the target of ecological preservation efforts, is now the site of a natural gas pipeline expansion by Williams Co., an energy infrastructure company.The town of Princeton has filed for neutral “intervenor” status on the project, along with Environment New Jersey, Food and Water Watch and the New Jersey chapter of the Sierra Club.

NEWS | 12/09/2013

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: No new cases of gastroenteritis reported

No new cases of gastroenteritis on campus have been reported since Thursday, University Spokesperson Martin Mbugua said Monday. On Thursday, nine studentsreported to University Health Serviceswith symptoms of gastroenteritis. Keith Levine, a local health inspector, said on Thursday that foodborne illness impacted five individuals on Thursday.The source was considered to be Ivy Club, and Levine was summoned to the club to inspect and start an investigation into the outbreak. The Daily Princetonian was able to independently verify that at least five Ivy members had been afflicted with symptoms of gastroenteritis. Outbreaks of gastroenteritis affected the University inearly 2012andearly 2013. In both cases, the outbreaks affected hundreds of students.

NEWS | 12/09/2013


Executive Director of Career Services Pulin Sanghvi: A background in finance and consulting, a goal to help students branch out

Pulin Sanghvi, the newly appointed executive director of Career Services, comes to the University with a strong background in finance and consulting, including companies as large as Morgan Stanley and McKinsey & Company. Acknowledging that recruitment for these industries is already quite strong on campus, Sanghvi said his main priority is to broaden student opportunities for career exploration. However, Sanghvi said he is not concerned that his background will hinder his abilities to expand career exploration services at the University, citing that he had expanded offerings as the head of the Career Management Center at Stanford Graduate School of Business. His arrival comes at a time when the office is undergoing several reforms.

NEWS | 12/09/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Expansion of graduate housing, reformed classroom design process promoted at CPUC meeting: Report on classroom design

The Council of the Princeton University Community meeting held yesterday discussed the future of Graduate School housing and proposed incorporating more student and faculty input into classroom design.Graduate Student Government president Friederike Funk raised concerns regarding the current shortage of graduate housing in light of the planned demolition of the Butler Apartments and asked during the Q&A session how this tract of land will be used in the future.

NEWS | 12/09/2013

The Daily Princetonian

USG approves amendments requiring class governments to publish budgets, tables amendments to separate Senate and class governments

At its weekly meeting on Sunday evening, the USG unanimously approved amendments requiring each of the four class governments to hold its own monthly public meetings and to publish and report its own budget each semester. The remaining amendments, which proposed to fully separate the Senate and the class governments, were tabled indefinitely. In a vote of 17 in favor and four against, the USG decided not to continue its own Summer Storage Initiative and not to collaborate with Princeton Student Agencies.

NEWS | 12/08/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Orefice leaves position as Dining Services executive director

After serving as executive director of Dining Services for 21 years, Stu Orefice left his position at the University last Monday to pursue a consulting job in New York City. “It was time for me to create a new recipe,” Orefice wrote in an announcement sent to his friends and colleagues, adding, “I am extremely proud [of] the work of our award-winning dining team, and I take comfort in the fact that I leave the Princeton pantry fully stocked with high quality ingredients.” In his message to coworkers, Orefice explained that he hopes his job transition will allow him more flexibility to spend more time with his family.

NEWS | 12/08/2013

Reported eating club crimes

At least four thefts and two burglaries reported from eating clubs in past three months

Between September and November, four thefts and two burglaries from the eating clubs have been reported, compared to zero in the same period last year, according to a review of police records from the same period in 2012 and 2013. The incidents have been reported at Cap & Gown, Cottage, Terrace, Quadrangle and Tower Clubs. Based on public records detailing the incidents as well as interviews with eating club presidents, the victims themselves and police officers, no explanation for the increase in the number of reported incidents could be determined.

NEWS | 12/05/2013

The Daily Princetonian

University victims of meningitis have not "completely escaped residual effects"

Some University students infected with meningitis have suffered some of the disease’s residual effects, according to Peter Johnsen, Director of Medical Services at University Health Services. “I would not say all of our students have completely escaped residual effects,” Johnsen said at a panel on the upcoming meningitis B vaccine Thursday evening, where medical professionals from the U.S.

NEWS | 12/05/2013