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The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: Harvard bomb threat allegedly sent by student hoping to avoid final exam

Bomb threats that prompted the evacuation of four Harvard buildingsonMondaywereallegedlysent by a student hoping to avoid a final exam, federal prosecutors saidTuesday according to the Harvard Crimson. Eldo Kim, a Harvard sophomore, allegedly sent emails to the Harvard Police Department, two Harvard officials and the president of the Harvard Crimson around 8:30 a.m.

NEWS | 12/17/2013

Top Donors to Rush Holt from the Princeton community

Even after lost bid for Senate, Holt enjoys support from University-affiliated donors

“There is a bumper sticker that goes around Princeton that says ‘My Congressman is a rocket scientist’. I’ve always felt kind of proud to be able to say that we have someone representing us in Congress with Rush Holt’s intelligence and his scientific background,” former University President Shirley Tilghman said in a November interview, reflecting on Holt’s popularity among Princeton constituents.Holt has represented New Jersey’s 12th congressional district in the U.S.

NEWS | 12/12/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Underclassmen advising program struggles to recruit advisers from certain departments

A number of freshmen and sophomores selecting spring courses this week encountered difficulty receiving department-specific advice from their academic advisers.No advisers represent the architecture, mathematics, philosophy and religion departments for the 2013-14 academic year, according to residential college websites.The molecular biology department is most represented at nine advisers, closely followed by the history and computer science departments and the Wilson School.The advising program has struggled to recruit advisers from certain departments, and cannot necessarily pair students with advisers who share their academic interests.While some students and faculty called for matching students and advisers by discipline, administrators and other faculty said a mismatch in adviser-advisee interest does not greatly affect students’ advising experience.“It would have been helpful for someone to give me advice about specific courses and professors and about things that specifically relate to my interests, rather than general course advice," Molly Fisch-Friedman ’16, an intended politics concentrator whose adviser is from the astrophysics department, said.

NEWS | 12/12/2013

The Daily Princetonian

As ex-officio trustee, Gov. Christie's role in Princeton affairs unclear

While New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has made several high-profile appearances on campus in recent months, his involvement in University affairs as an ex-officio trustee, relative to those who have held his position in the past, is less clear.As ex-officio trustee, Christie serves on the Board of Trustees by virtue of his role as governor rather than by being elected to the position.

NEWS | 12/12/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Gas leak may have been caused by digging outside marked-out area

The Dec. 2 gas leak outside of Eno Hall that caused 500 individuals to evacuate 11 campus buildings may have been caused by digging outside the area that had been approved by state public utilities company PSE&G, according to PSE&G spokesperson Kristine Lloyd. The leak occurredwhen a backhoe struck a gas main while construction workers were working.

NEWS | 12/11/2013

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: In midst of meningitis outbreak, UCSB parents demand access to vaccine

As the emergency meningitis vaccine campaign at the University enters its fourth day with 4,361 students and select community members vaccinated, the parents of students at the University of California, Santa Barbara want their children to receive the vaccine as well,NBC News reported. Four students at UCSB have fallen ill with meningitis caused by a bacterial strain slightly different from the one that has caused the Princeton outbreak.

NEWS | 12/11/2013


Lewis ’55: executive, University trustee, marijuana activist

Peter Lewis ’55, who, as the CEO of Progressive Insurance, was notable for being a champion of individuals taking charge of their own decisions, conveyed the same message as a young eating club officer at Princeton. As treasurer of the now defunct Dial Lodge Club, which occupied the building that now holds the Bendheim Center for Finance, Lewis once resolved a conflict by appealing the president to make a decision, rather than wait for an informal consensus to be reached.“We had a difficult problem with a lot of hemming and hawing where different solutions were proposed,” Richard May ’55, then-Dial Lodge president and a classmate of Lewis, said.

NEWS | 12/11/2013

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: Three men rescued from Lake Carnegie after becoming stranded on dam

Three men contracted to perform work on Lake Carnegie were rescued after their boat became stranded on a dam, according to a Princeton Police Department press release. The men were working to install aeration devices on the lake to keep it from freezing when their boat experienced steering difficulties and drifted onto the dam, where it became stuck. The Princeton First Aid and Rescue Squad, Princeton Fire Department, Kingston Fire Department and patrols responded to a report of boaters in distress, and the three men were rescued.

NEWS | 12/10/2013