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The Daily Princetonian

Pilot SHARE course aims to educate eating club members through avatar games

Eating club members now have the opportunity to complete "Agent of Change," a pilot online Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources and Education course on power-based personal violence. The course wasdesigned to build on the knowledge gained through the course“Unless There’s Consent,”a new program required for all members of the Class of 2017 prior to their arrival on campus.While “Unless There’s Consent” was intended to lay an informational foundation for incoming freshmen prior to orientation week, “Agent of Change” is more interactive, providing education on bystander intervention skills, SHARE director Jacqueline Deitch-Stackhouse said. The hour-long course touches on sexual assault, stalking, domestic violence and degrading language, Jackie Cremos '14, aSHARE Peer Advisor and member of Quadrangle Club, explained.

NEWS | 01/12/2014


Mass transit users up by 15 percent despite fall in Dinky ridership

The use of mass transit provided by the University between Princeton and Princeton Junction went up by over 15 percentin September and October compared to last year, according to data provided by University Spokesperson Martin Mbugua.However, recent New Jersey Transit data revealed that Dinky train ridership between Princeton and Princeton Junction went down by 12.3 percent, according to NJ Transit Senior Public Information Officer William Smith. The total number of commutes now includes the 16,922 rides provided by theUniversity’s TigerPAWW shuttle bus system, according to Mbugua.

NEWS | 01/07/2014

The Daily Princetonian

U. affiliates discuss clemency for Snowden

Six months after the Edward Snowden affair began, public figures previously affiliated with the University have publicly expressed their opinions on Snowden’s clemency.Former Dean of the Wilson School and former Director of Policy Planning at the US Department of State Anne-Marie Slaughter ’80 generated controversy by tweeting that she supported clemency for Edward Snowden, the contractor who revealed National Security Agency secrets in a series of leaks, on Jan.

NEWS | 01/07/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Petition challenges Pourdavoud Chair candidate

A petition organized by Columbia professor Ehsan Yarshater surfaced challenging the University’s current candidate for the position of the Ibrahim Pourdavoud Professorship in Persian Studies.The petition, which has been taken down, argued that having the name of Pourdavoud, a pioneer in the field of pre-Islamic Iranian studies, meant that the professor who occupies the Pourdavoud Chair should continue his work in the field of pre-Islamic studies.

NEWS | 01/07/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Alain Kornhauser GS ’71: Like “a V8 engine on a roller skate”

When Ben Klaber ’06 first asked professor Alain Kornhauser GS ’71 to help him sponsor University participation in an autonomous car race in 2004, the popular operations research and financial engineering professor answered with a characteristically humorous reply.“I said, ‘Ben, don’t interrupt my lecture.’ Just kidding.

NEWS | 01/07/2014

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: UCSB could receive imported vaccine for more than 20,000 students within weeks

Just a few weeks after Princeton students received their first dose of the Bexsero vaccine against meningitis strain B, the University of California, Santa Barbara is making arrangements for a much larger campaign to immunize its campus. As its application for the imported vaccine is pending, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials are preparing for a campaign that will provide the vaccine to over 20,000 students,NBC News reported. Because Bexsero is not yet licensed for use in the United States, UCSB is following Princeton’s lead in obtaining the vaccine through an Investigational New Drug application filed with the Food and Drug Administration.

NEWS | 01/06/2014

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: 4 University faculty receive presidential science awards

Four University professors were awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers in 2013. The award has been given to associate professor of chemistryAbigail Doyle, assistant professor ofpsychology and the Princeton Neuroscience InstituteYael Niv, assistant professor ofchemical and biological engineeringRodney Priestleyand assistant professor ofoperations research and financial engineeringRamon van Handel. The Presidential Early Career Award is the highest honor that the U.S.

NEWS | 01/05/2014

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: Sotomayor '76 to lead traditional 60-second count to New Year's in Times Square

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor '76 will lead the traditional 60-second countdown tomidnight on Tuesdayin Times Square. Sotomayor is the first Supreme Court justice to lead the countdown. Tim Hopkins, president of the Times Square Alliance and one of the co-organizers of the New Year's celebration, said Sotomayor, a New York native born and raised in the Bronx, was an inspiration to all. The New Year's celebration in Times Square is being co-organized by the Times Square Alliance and Countdown Entertainment. In November,Sotomayor receivedthe University's Woodrow Wilson Award, the highest annual honor bestowed upon an undergraduate alumnus or alumna.

NEWS | 12/31/2013

The Daily Princetonian

Second dose of meningitis vaccine to be administered Feb. 17-20

The second dose of the meningitis vaccine will be available fromFeb. 17 through Feb. 20, the University announcedMondayin an email to the University community. More than 5,200 individuals, or approximately 91 percent of the individuals eligible for the vaccine — including 93 percent of all undergraduate students — chose to receive the first dose.

NEWS | 12/23/2013