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The Daily Princetonian

House Rep. Holt discusses retirement

After eight-term Democratic U.S. Rep. Rush Holt, whorepresented New Jersey’s 12th district,announced his decision to retire on Tuesday in an email to supporters, he spoke with The Daily Princetonian about his work in the House of Representatives and his plans for the future. The Daily Princetonian: I want to start with a recent statement you made, that “Congress is the greatest instrument for justice and human welfare in the world.” Why do you still say that after recent events, including the government shutdown? Representative Rush Holt: Let me first say that I’ve spent the past couple of days tamping down speculation in a couple of areas.

NEWS | 02/20/2014

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: Gellman ’82 wins award for national security reporting

Barton Gellman ’82, a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who writes for The Washington Post, was one of 30 recipients to receive the George Polk Award for national security reporting, according to The National Post. Gellman, along with The Guardian’s Laura Poitras, Ewen MacAskill and Glenn Greenwald, was recognized for reporting based on the documents that former intelligence analyst Edward Snowden leaked. Gellman’s and the others’ reporting efforts have opened up a renewed debate over the legitimacy of government surveillance by revealing the extent of surveillance and massive data collected by the National Security Agency. This was the 65th annual George Polk Award, conferred each year to honor investigative and enterprise reporting that is original, requires resourcefulness and procures results that gain public attention.

NEWS | 02/19/2014

Bicker clubs breakdown by gender

New TI membership almost 60 percent male

Almost 60 percent of the students accepted to Tiger Inn this spring are male. This number represents a slight decrease in the number of new male members compared to last spring, when the number of male students accepted to TI represented 62.5 percent of the new membership. Approximately 53 percent of students accepted to Tower Club were female, the bicker club with the largest percentage of new female members. TI president Ryan Cash ’15 did not respond to a request for comment.

NEWS | 02/19/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Biographer discusses personal aspects of Wilson’s presidency

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and University trustee A. Scott Berg ’71 gave a lecture on Tuesday on the life of Woodrow Wilson, Class of 1879, depicting Wilson as a president deeply influenced by his regional and religious background and reluctant to take a stand against racism and women’s suffrage. Berg’s Woodrow Wilson biography, published in the fall of 2013, is a New York Times best seller whose rights were recently been purchased by Leonardo DiCaprio’s production company.

NEWS | 02/18/2014

The Daily Princetonian

USG sponsors Violence Intervention and Prevention week

The USG is sponsoring aViolence Intervention and Prevention week dedicated to educating students about issues related tosexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking. Students this week will have the opportunity to attend lectures, study breaks, performances and discussions that deal with topics ofpower-based personal violence. The USG collaborated with Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources & Education, the residential colleges’ directors of student life and the Women’s Center to create the initiative. USG president Shawon Jackson ’15, who proposed the project, said that the idea came to him at a meeting in which several officers were discussing the USG promotion of an upcoming lecture by sexual assault expert David Lisak.

NEWS | 02/17/2014