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The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: MSNBC host Harris-Perry to take position at Wake Forest University

Melissa Harris-Perry — who hosts thethe MSNBC weekend show “Melissa Harris-Perry” and taught at Princeton from 2006 until 2010 — is now switching academic homes once again, this time to her alma mater. Harris-Perry will leave herposition as a political science professor at Tulane University in order to become a presidential chair in the politics and international affairs department at Wake Forest University.

NEWS | 04/15/2014

 Photo courtesy Elle Starkman/PPPL Office of Communications

U. and PPPL receive $3.5 million for nuclear disarmament research

The University and the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory will be pursuing nuclear research under a five-year, $3.5 million grant as part of the Center for Verification Technology.They will use the grant to continue developing a protocol for testing whether a warhead has nuclear content. The Center is a consortium of 13 universities and eight laboratories funded by the National Nuclear Security Administration.The group investigates both the technological and policy dimensions of nuclear disarmament, and includes a strong educational component, Alexander Glaser,assistant professor in the department of mechanical and aerospace engineering and in the Wilson School, said. “One of the best things about it is that Princeton is very strong in having both scientific and technical capability along with the Woodrow Wilson School,” Vice President of the PPPL A.J.

NEWS | 04/15/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Recurring bed bug infestations displace Holder residents

Bed bugs continue to be a problem in Holder Hall and Forbes College. Following two reports of bed bugs last September, at least four reports were confirmed this March. The students have been temporarily moved to graduate housing, a move different from last year, when four students were moved to single rooms in 1915 hall, in Butler College. Only the infestation in Holder Hall was disclosed to students.

NEWS | 04/15/2014

The Daily Princetonian

News and Notes: Free New York Times digital subscriptions now available to students

Faculty, students and staff at the University and the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratorycan now access the digital edition of The New York Times through an academic site license provided by the University’s Library, the Library announced on its website. The license does not include e-reader editions, tablet applications, or applications for the Times’ crossword puzzles.

NEWS | 04/14/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Low response rate for USG Midterm Evaluation survey

Only 171 students, approximately 26 percent of the students sampled, responded to the USG Academics Committee’s Midterm Evaluation Pilot program survey.The survey was available from April 3 to April 6 and allowed students to submit anonymous feedback about their classes. The 10 classes selected for the pilot program varied in size, department and type, but all received the same survey.Consisting of 14 questions, the survey was based on an existing midsemester course questionnaire template provided by the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning.

NEWS | 04/14/2014

The Daily Princetonian

In light of changes and unrest, Princeton monitoring investment policies across the Ivy League

The University is monitoring sustainable investment developments across the Ivy League in light of recent demonstrations and policy changes across peer institutions, although it considers it is still too early to make a decision. Harvard President Drew Faust recently announced Harvard’s commitment to the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Investment, aimed at tackling climate change.

NEWS | 04/14/2014


Bodine to take position at Georgetown

Wilson School diplomat-in-residence and Directorof the Scholars in the Nation’s Service Initiative program Barbara Bodine intends to step down at the end of the academic year. The University is now searching for a director for the SINSI program, which was established in 2006. A job posting indicated the search was posted on the University website on April 7.

NEWS | 04/14/2014

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: IP Commercialization Agreement

The University signed an IP commercialization agreement with a UK-based intellectual rights commercialization company, IP Group PLC, on Wednesday. The company specializes in the commercialization of intellectual property rights developed at research universities around the world. The agreement will help develop “early stage” opportunities based on intellectual property developed at Princeton that IP Group will now have access to with this new agreement. The agreement has a pilot phase of 18 months and will cover a variety of subjects, including materials, clean technology, medical sciences, human sciences, information technology, electronics, communications and robotics. According to the IP Group website, John F.

NEWS | 04/13/2014

The Daily Princetonian

USG social chair defends donation of Lawnparties proceeds

USG social chair Logan Roth '15 defended the committee's decision to donate proceeds from Spring Lawnparties at the Senate meeting on Sunday. Responding to an audience member’s question, Roth replied that “that specific charity was chosen by a team of people on the social committee, and we chose it because it was local, education-based, and we thought they did very good work.” He cited TEAM Charter Schools’ high matriculation rates and work in extremely impoverished areas as examples of the "good work" they provide. “I understand it’s somewhat politically controversial but I’ve said this before, I didn’t think it would be sensational, but this is a pilot year,” Roth said.

NEWS | 04/13/2014

The Daily Princetonian

7 faculty members awarded Guggenheim Fellowships

Faculty members Mung Chiang, Emily Thompson, Serguei Oushakine, Claire Vaye Watkins, Meghan O’Rourke, Andrew Cole and Devin Fore were among the 178 winners chosen from a pool of almost 3,000 applicants to receive fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation. Guggenheim Fellowships recognize accomplishments and propositions in academics, the arts or the sciences. Winners receive grants to further their work in time blocks lasting between six and 12 months.

NEWS | 04/13/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Tiger Admirers removed from Facebook

Tiger Admirers, a Facebook page that allowed University students to express love, affection and secret crushes for other members of the University anonymously, was recently removed from Facebook because it was found to be in violation of the website's policies. The page’s format was that of an ordinary Facebook user, and students would submit poems, YouTube links and confessions to the Tiger Admirers inbox as if they were instant messaging a friend.

NEWS | 04/13/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Lawnparties charity has ties with USG

The charity that will be featured at Lawnparties this year, TEAM Charter Schools, was selected because several people on the USG social committee liked the organization and had worked with it before, social committee chairLogan Roth ’15 said. He also said the social committee’s decision to contribute to a charity through Lawnparties had been floating around for several years, and he really wanted to move forward with it this year. TEAM Charter Schools, a region of schools in Newark and Camden, N.J., will benefit with proceeds from the sales of raffle tickets and merchandise, while no money originally budgeted for Lawnparties will be handed to the charity.

NEWS | 04/10/2014