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The Daily Princetonian

Unemployment rate accuracy impacted by rotation group bias, paper says

The statistical accuracy of the official unemployment rate is questionable, concludes a working paper recently published in the National Bureau of Economic Research by Alan Kreuger, Wilson School professor and former chairman of President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. He conducted the research with coauthors Alexandre Mas, professor of economics, and Xiaotong Niu,analyst at the Congressional Budget Office. Methodology used by the U.S.

NEWS | 09/24/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Harvard endowment grows to $36.4 billion

Harvard’s endowment grew to $36.4 billion in the 2014 fiscal year with a return of 15.4 percent, the Harvard Crimson reported. This endowment is just below the institution’s peak in endowment in June 2008 before it lost nearly $11 billion in the global financial crisis. Harvard’s return for the 2014 fiscal year is higher than the return of 11.3 percent it got during the 2013 fiscal year. The 2014 fiscal year marked the fifth consecutive year in which Harvard exceeded the benchmark it created for itself.

NEWS | 09/23/2014

The Daily Princetonian

President of European Council advocates for coordination, solidarity in EU

Europe faces the dual challenge of remaining credible while ensuring its own stability, President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy said at a panel discussion Tuesday. The panel, in addition to Van Rompuy, consisted of Renée Haferkamp, former director general of the European Commission; Peter Hall, a professor of European studies at Harvard; and Andrew Moravcsik, director of the European Union Program at the University. Van Rompuy advocated for more coordination and solidarity between the various constituent members of the European Union while maintaining that each country is ultimately responsible for its own well-being. When asked if the European Union countries which are better off should make fiscal transfers to weaker countries, Van Rompuysaid that they should.

NEWS | 09/23/2014

The Daily Princetonian

In literary endeavors, Princeton's Office of Communications plays little-known role

When David Pupa wanted to write a fictional book whose main character attends the University, he was told that he would have to gain official approval before it could be published. In order to get the approval, Pupa submitted a rough draft of his manuscript and was granted preliminary approval two weeks later.

NEWS | 09/23/2014

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Witherspoon Institute, Madison program take partisan funds

The Witherspoon Institute — a conservative think tank based in Princeton that has many ties to the University — and a University-sponsored program for undergraduate students received substantial funding from the Koch brothers-backed DonorsTrust and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation in the year 2012, according to Internal Revenue Service records. The Institute's ties to the University include politics professor Robert George, who helped found the Institute in 2003 and who is currently a senior fellow there, as well as history professor Harold James and politics professor John Londregan, both of whom are also senior fellows.

NEWS | 09/23/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Professor offered community service deal in theft case

An operations research and financial engineering professor arrested for stealing lawn signsearlier this summer might have his charges dropped if he completes community service at Trenton Central High School, according to a deal proposed by the Princeton municipal prosecutor. John Mulvey, who is teaching ORF 311: Optimization under Uncertainty, ORF 435: Financial Risk Management and ORF 535: Financial Risk Management this semester, was charged with allegedly stealing 21 lawn signs that advertised Princeton Computer Repairs, Tutoring and Digital Services over the course of last year. Mulvey did not respond to a request for comment. Ted Horodynsky, owner of the company, alleged that Mulvey stole the signs in retaliation for a traffic incident in which Horodynsky may have cut off Mulvey near a stop sign.

NEWS | 09/22/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Future of Witherspoon Street discussed heatedly at town meeting

Town residents discussed concerns over preserving the historic and cultural charm of Witherspoon Street while considering the implications of current zoning regulations during a public meeting on Monday night. Although Witherspoon Street spans only about a mile in length, it includes eight different zoning areas.

NEWS | 09/22/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Princo and Board of Trustees chair invest in Thrive Capital

The Princeton University Investment Company and Chair of the University's Board of Trustees Kathryn Hall ’80 have both invested in Thrive Capital, aventure capital investment firm focused on media and Internet investments. Princo is the University department that manages $17.8 billion of the University's $18.2 billion endowment. In addition to her chairmanship, Hall is CEO of Hall Capital Partners, a hedge fund based in San Francisco that has over $29 billion in assets under management.

NEWS | 09/22/2014