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The Daily Princetonian

Regan Crotty '00 appointed Princeton's inaugural full-time Title IX Coordinator

Regan Crotty ’00 has been appointed to the new full-time position of Title IX Coordinator of the University, according to an email sent by Master of Wilson College Eduardo Cadava to the Wilson College listserv on Monday afternoon. Crotty is currently director of student life at Wilson College and a lawyer by training. The Office for Civil Rights, the office within the Department of Education that deals with Title IX issues, found the University in violation of Title IX earlier this year.

NEWS | 11/24/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Princeton Libertarians group revived after yearlong absence

The Princeton Libertarians — a political group formerly known as the College Libertarians, which existed until 2013 — has recently been revived. Club president Andy Loo ’16 said that he revived the club to promote intellectual discussion on the political philosophy of libertarianism, explaining that libertarianism is predicated on the idea of self-ownership. “All libertarian theory is based on one premise, which is the concept of self-ownership — each person owns his body and his property and the consequence of this is that no one should initiate physical force on another person either directly or indirectly," Loo said.

NEWS | 11/24/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Princeton Preview scheduled to remain a one-day event for second year

The University has scheduled two one-day placeholder dates for Princeton Preview this spring, but it has not fully decided whether Preview will once again be a day-long event or if it will later be expanded into a multi-day form, Dean of Admission Janet Rapelye said this week. Preview is currently scheduled for Monday, April 13, and Tuesday, April 28, according to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

NEWS | 11/24/2014


Stoneman ’16 seeks to 'be the change' in USG

Current Undergraduate Student Government vice president Molly Stoneman’16 is running for USG president because, she points out, she sees potential for change. “Being vice president and also serving on the class council during my first year really gave me a holistic and deep understanding of USG as an entire organization, and I think I would be able to leverage the relationships on both sides of the USG collective,” Stoneman said. She has made her self-declared passion for women's leadership a mainstay of her campaign and added that it was also part of what inspired her to run.

NEWS | 11/23/2014


Cheng ’16 emphasizes policymaking, execution

Undergraduate Student Government presidential candidate Ella Cheng ’16 wants to expand student outreach and communications and shift the USG’s focus from programming to policymaking. “I’m one of the few members on USG that actually has a critical and reflective eye on USG, and I’ve seen that we’ve had a lot of successes, but we’ve also had a lot of shortcomings,” Cheng said.

NEWS | 11/23/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Liziewski ’18 appointed to Honor Committee, restaurant week questioned during USG meeting

The Undergraduate Student Government convened on Sunday to evaluate restaurant week, discuss various student-life initiatives and announce the newly-appointed freshman representative to the Honor Committee. Carolyn Liziewski ’18 was nominated as the freshman representative on the Honor Committee after a two-round interview process of seven candidates and thorough deliberations, accordingto Honor Committee chair Jesse Fleck ’15. During a questioning session, U-Council chair Zhan Okuda-Lim ’15 asked Liziewski how she felt about the timeframe within which the Honor Committee informs students whether they are witnesses or suspects in an investigation. “Once a student is called into questioning, whether as a witness or a person being investigated, the committee should make its actions as transparent as possible,” Liziewski said before her official appointment, adding that the committee must be respectful of each student’s confidentiality, as being called into question by the Honor Committee can affect one’s reputation in the University even if the student was not eventually accused. Liziewski’s nomination received unanimous approval from the senate. USG president Shawon Jackson ’15 announced an upcoming town hall meeting during which different housing policies will be discussed.

NEWS | 11/23/2014


Gansa ’17: waffle fries, ripe fruit, 'bike reform'

Undergraduate Student Government presidential hopeful William Gansa ’17 -- an outside candidate who has not been involved with USG in the past -- is running on an alternative platform of small issues and reforms that, he claims, have historically been less publicized and have not been addressed by other candidates. Some of these issues include adding waffle fries to dining hall menus and making sure their fruit is riper, ensuring the survival of the Integrated Course Engine and implementing 'bike reform,' a mysterious term that is included in his platform but is defined nowhere. “These are all little parts of a person’s day, but when they all add up, it really speaks to an effect that can be hugely detrimental or hugely beneficial to one’s mood,” Gansa said. Gansa's platform also says that he is running for Government Club, seemingly poking fun at the USG's name.

NEWS | 11/23/2014

The Daily Princetonian

71 tenured faculty present divestment petition to Eisgruber '83

A group of faculty members presented a petition on Wednesday to University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 advocating for divestment from companies that “contribute to or profit from the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the continued siege of Gaza.” The five professors who drafted and presented the petition were Molly Greene, Michael Laffan, Gyan Prakash, Cyrus Schayegh and Max Weiss.

NEWS | 11/20/2014

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: Gunman at Florida State University injures 3

Three Florida State University students were injured as a gunman opened fire in a campus library on Thursday, according to FS View & Florida Flambeau, the university's student newspaper. The gunman, identified by authorities as Florida State alumnus Myron May, was killed by Florida State University Police Department officers after firing shots at the officers, according to CNN. Two of the victims were brought to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital, one of whom remains in critical condition and the other is in good condition.

NEWS | 11/20/2014


Justice Kagan ’81 discusses legal analysis, Court's perception

One of the most difficult aspects of being a judge is understanding the role and limits of a justice’s position, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Elena Kagan ’81 argued in a discussion on her experiences and judicial views moderated by University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 on Thursday. Kagan, nominated and appointed to the Supreme Court by President Barack Obama in 2010, holds a bachelor’s degree from the University, an M.Phil.

NEWS | 11/20/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Students revive SpeakOut group to promote discussion on sexual assault

A student group that had gone inactive for the past few years is being revitalized by students who feel that campus lacks a group separate from the administration to discuss and activism regarding sexual assault,SpeakOut president Eliza Mott ’16 said. SpeakOut was created in 2006 in response to some highly publicized cases ofsexual assault related to Tiger Inn but has remained inactive for a number of years.

NEWS | 11/20/2014

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Wawa, ‘eternal’ Princeton fixture, gives new store a modern look

The new 7,500-square foot Wawa is set to open its doors on Friday at 8 a.m.. Except for the class banners that used to line the store's walls, the new locale retains most of the features of the old one, along with 14 newly hired employees and added features like modern restrooms and new equipment. The new Wawa, located near the new Princeton Station at 152 Alexander St.

NEWS | 11/20/2014

The Daily Princetonian

N&N: Rush Holt to serve as CEO of American Association for the Advancement of Science

Congressman and former Assistant Director of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Rush Holt will serve as CEO of the American Association for the Advancement of Science after his retirement from the House of Representatives, according to the AAAS’s press release on Tuesday. Holt will assume his new post in February. The AAAS is the world’s largest general scientific society and the publisher of the journal Science.

NEWS | 11/19/2014