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The Daily Princetonian

Construction on steam leak outside Wu Hall concludes

Significant repairs were done on a steam leak outside Wu Hall over winter break, according to Sean Gallagher, manager of Facilities Civil Engineering and Construction. The steam tunnel that runs underneath the bluestone plaza had a relatively small leak that was discovered a few months ago, Gallagher said. Construction began shortly after winter break and concluded with the complete replacement of the bluestone on Dec.

NEWS | 01/06/2015

The Daily Princetonian

More than 70 courses to be offered in second Wintersession

Wintersession will offer about 70 informal classes this year, an over 30 percent increase in the number of courses from the program’s inaugural run last year, U-Councilor and Undergraduate Student Government event coordinator Katherine Clifton ’15 said. The program, which offers students the opportunity to take classes during the Intersession break, started last year with 53 classes and over a thousand students. A diverse array of courses from “Introduction to Taekwondo” to “Knitting” will be offered this year. The classesoriginated from student and faculty proposals submitted to the Undergraduate Student Government earlier this year, Clifton explained, adding that USG accepted every feasible proposal. Class size often varies due to the high degree of individual attention required in the more technical courses as USG works to accommodate all instructor needs, she said. USG president Shawon Jackson ’15 explained that Wintersession courses are funded by the USG Projects Board, a subcommittee in the USG senate which allocates subsidies to student organizations.

NEWS | 01/04/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Man involved in rabbi's 2013 car crash found not guilty by reason of insanity

Princeton resident Eric Maltz was found not guilty in the Mar. 28, 2013, car crash that killed former Center of Jewish Life director Rabbi James Diamond, The Times of Trenton reported. Superior Court Judge Robert Billmeier ruled that Maltz, 22, was legally not guilty for reasons of insanity at the time the crash occurred, according to the Times.

NEWS | 01/04/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Three cases of sexual assault reported last weekend, two on Prospect Avenue

Three incidents of sexual assault were reported to the Department of Public Safety over the weekend, according the University’s federally mandated crime logs. Two of these cases were reported as having occurred at unidentified eating clubs, though one was listed as occurring on Prospect Avenue while the other in an “Off-Campus Location.” The third case occurred in an unknown dormitory. University spokesperson Martin Mbugua said that the DPS reports about the incident did not identify a particular eating club.

NEWS | 12/17/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Report says sex photo subject put on 'social probation' at TI; U., police unable to identify photographer

The Princeton Police Department’s investigation into the Tiger Inn sex photo scandal was ultimately closed because neither student depicted in the photo wished to pursue the matter, according to a copy of the investigation report obtained by The Daily Princetonian through the New Jersey Open Public Records Act. The report, which was finalized after the case was closed on Dec.

NEWS | 12/15/2014

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: 20 males streak through lecture, prompt police response

About 20 male students allegedly streaked through an ECO 101: Introduction to Macroeconomics lecture on Thursday morning in McCosh 50. The 20 individuals were allegedly wearing nothing but scarfs, ski masks and sneakers, University spokesperson Martin Mbugua said. The incident was reported to the Department of Public Safety at 11:15 a.m.

NEWS | 12/11/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Princeton Sustainable Investment petitions for changes in U. investment

A petition proposed by the Princeton Sustainable Investment Initiative “asking the University to manage its endowment in a manner that reduces its financial support of environmental degradation” was accepted for review by the Resources Committee of the Council of the Princeton University Community during its monthly meeting on Thursdayafternoon. Undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff and alumni compose the committee, which reviews general policy concerning procurement and management of the University’s financial resources. The Resources Committee will explore the issues raised in the proposal and will likely invite the PSI leadership to have a conversation in the near future,University spokesperson Martin Mbugua said. The petition circulated by PSI gained nearly 1,300 signatures when presented to the Resources Committee, including 950 undergraduate students.

NEWS | 12/11/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Race panel discusses recent African-American deaths, grand jury decisions

Professors applauded the protests in the wake of Michael Brown’s and Eric Garner’s deaths in recent weeks, and clarified the practices and legal processes that help explain their deathsand the lack of indictment in a panel discussion on Thursday. Associate Professor of African American Studies Naomi Murakawa, Director of the Program in Law and Public Affairs Kim Lane Scheppele and sociology professor at the Institute for Advanced StudiesDidier Fassin were on the panel. Fassin noted the significance of public discussion and protests that have occurred in past weeks that he contrasted with the “moral anesthesia” typical of the United States. “The most remarkable fact is that, for the first time for many years, the death of a black man has not remained buried in the news and public consciousness,” Fassin said. Fassin offered three major observations about the response to Brown’s and Garner’s murders: that the wave of protests is a rupture in the indifference to what police call “justifiable death,” that recent protests have been almost exclusively peaceful, and that the response is national, crossing color lines and social classes. Fassin also discussed how racial criminalization compares in other nations, comparing this incident to an incident in December 2005 in France in which two innocent black men were brutally killed by police after a theft had been committed in an area close to where they were walking.

NEWS | 12/11/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Princeton University Press releases digital editions of Einstein’s papers

The Princeton University Press recently released digital editions of thousands of crucial papers by Albert Einstein that span the first 44 years of his life, director of the press Peter Dougherty said. He explained that the approximately 5,000 documents include crucial scientific papers, as well as professional, personal and administrative correspondence. There are currently 13 print volumes, with a 14th volume scheduled to be published in January, Dougherty said, adding that many of the volumes published over the last 30 years are in their original German script. “All these documents are now available on a digital platform, accessible globally by anyone with Internet,” Dougherty said. He said that although there are already 14 published print editions of Einstein’s papers, science researchers all over the world who need Einstein’s works cannot access any of the print editions due to location.

NEWS | 12/11/2014

The Daily Princetonian

News and Notes: Rush Holt bids adieu to the House of Representatives

Representative Rush Holt (D-NJ) gave hisfarewell addresson the floor of the House of Representatives on Wednesday. The congressman, who represents Mercer County and is former assistant director of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, argued against those who are cynical toward government, saying that democracy is working in the House of Representatives. “I present a vision for a government, not that vanishes, but works for its citizens,” Holt said during his 8-minute speech.

NEWS | 12/11/2014

The Daily Princetonian

Several Tiger Inn members charged with violating U. policies in sex photo distribution case

Several members of Tiger Inn, a private eating club on Prospect Avenue, have been charged with violating University policies regarding sexual discrimination and sexual misconduct, University spokesperson Martin Mbugua said Thursday. The students will now have a chance to respond to the charges. A University student had photographed a female student performing oral sex on a male student in October.

NEWS | 12/11/2014

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: Harvard law students request postponement of exams, following Columbia action

Students at Harvard Law School have written a letter requesting that final exams be postponed for those who protested the grand jury decisions in Ferguson and New York City, the Boston Globe reported. Grand juries had decided to acquit Daniel Pantaleo and Darren Wilson, both Caucasian police officers, of blame in the deaths of African-Americans Eric Garner and Michael Brown, respectively.

NEWS | 12/10/2014