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The Daily Princetonian

Christie announces presidential candidacy

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced his presidential candidacyTuesdaymorning at Livingston High School in Livingston, N.J. Christie, who has been struggling in New Jersey polls recently, is also an ex officio trustee of the University. He is the 14th Republican to have declared a presidential run. NJTV News reported there were around 1,000 protesters outside the high school protesting, among other issues, Christie's actions on pension reform. With supporters in the background holding "Christie 2016: Telling It Like It Is" signs, Sheila Goldklang, a friend and colleague on the Livingston Board of Education of Chris Christie's late mother, Sandy Christie, first introduced Christie.

NEWS | 06/30/2015

The Daily Princetonian

U. revokes hire offer after allegations of publishing falsified data

The University has revoked its offer to hire Michael LaCour, who allegedly altered data sets in an academic study, as an assistant professor in the Wilson School after a review of the allegations, University spokesperson Martin Mbugua said. LaCour coauthored a December 2014studyas a doctoral student at the University of California, Los Angeles, which received nationalmedia attentionfor purportedly showing that opponents of same-sex marriage could be reliably persuaded to change their minds after just one conversation with a gay person. The prominent journal Science issued aretractionof the study onMay 28.

NEWS | 06/29/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Three new certificate programs approved

New undergraduatecertificates in Cognitive Science,Ethnographic Studies, and History and the Practice of Diplomacy will be available beginningJuly 1, 2015, according to University spokesperson Martin Mbugua. Faculty voted in favor of proposals for the programs at the last faculty meeting in May. According to Deputy Dean of the College Clayton Marsh, the Committee on the Course of Study received proposals for Cognitive Science from philosophy professor Sarah-Jane Leslie, forEthnographic Studies from anthropology professor Carol Greenhouse, and for History and the Practice of Diplomacy fromhistory professor William Jordan and Wilson School deanCecilia Rouse. Marsh explained that proposals for newcertificates undergo a lengthy process of screening and approval before appearing on the agenda for a faculty meeting.

NEWS | 06/05/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Nolan discusses importance of reality in Class Day address

Dreams are virtual realities distracting us from confronting the true power of changing our reality, film director Christopher Nolan said in his Class Day keynote address to graduating seniors. Describing the widely disputed final scene in his 2010 film“Inception,” Nolan said that viewers kept asking if it had been real or if it had been a dream.

NEWS | 06/01/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Alumni discuss communism in present-day China

No one in China takes the concept of socialism seriously anymore, Ira Kasoff GS '82, a senior counselor at APCO Worldwide, said at a panel on Friday. He presented two common views of China’s place in contemporary politics. Some believe that the Chinese Communist Party is about to collapse, a long-held view that has taken on new momentum because of David Shambaugh’s article, “The Coming Chinese Crackup,” Kasoff said.

NEWS | 05/29/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Urban planning panel discusses future of American city architecture

Four University graduates now employed in occupations related to city planning and architecture discussed the future and challenges facing the American city at a panel discussion Friday. Panelists were Ray Gastil GS ’91, director of the Department of City Planning in Pittsburgh; Peter Waldman GS ’67, professor of architecture at the University of Virginia; Ellen Dunham-Jones GS ’83, professor of architecture and urban design at the Georgia Institute of Technology; and Waqas Jawaid ’10, a partner at Isometric Studio. The panel was moderated by Alison Isenberg, professor of history and co-director in the Program in Urban Studies at the University. Gastil said he and the other members of the Pittsburgh Department of City Planning wanted to look at development of the city in terms of “people, planet, place and performance.” They wanted to make sure that the people of the city — both those already there and those to come later — came first. In terms of "planet and performance," Gastil added they wanted to figure out good environmental metrics.

NEWS | 05/29/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Graduate student alumni discuss human trafficking, exploitation

Human trafficking survivors have been instrumental leaders of movements to reduce economic exploitation and labor exploitation, journalism visiting professor Noy Thrupkaew said at a panel she moderated on Friday. Elaine Pearson GS ’13, the Australia director of Human Rights Watch, defined trafficking as the movement of a person through deceptive or coercive means into a situation of exploitation. “What makes it a situation of trafficking is that it’s a situation where people can’t just freely get up and leave,” Pearson said, noting that today’s compulsion often involves psychological rather than physical constraints and can happen through both legal and illegal channels. Pearson distinguished trafficking from smuggling, which she described as the illegal movement of someone across a border for a fee.

NEWS | 05/29/2015