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The Daily Princetonian

USG discusses elections, mental health concerns

The Undergraduate Student Government senate discussed the upcoming elections timeline during its weekly meeting on Sunday.Chief elections manager Sung Won Chang ’18announced in an email on Thursday that the USG president, vice president, treasurer, class senators and committee chairs are among the positions to be elected at this time.Chang said that while former chief elections manager Grant Golub ’17 had been working on revising the elections handbook, the existing rules will continue to apply for this election cycle.Chang said that he wants to increase candidate participation as well as voter turnout, noting that the traditional turnout has been around 40 to 50 percent.

NEWS | 11/08/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Emergency U. funds available to students in many forms

Every year, approximately 15 to 25 students utilize the Dean’s emergency fund, which is reserved for emergencies in which a student’s family would be burdened financially, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Students Michael Olin said.Olin explained that the fund could be used in all kinds of situations, noting that the fund could provide financial assistance for a student to travel home in the event of a health or family emergency, or assist a student in paying medical bills for a health emergency."There's really no one type of situation; it runs the gamut," Olin added.Olin noted that the emergency fund has previously been able to provide some students with coats in the event of urgent situations, such as a lost or stolen coat in the middle of the winter.The Dean’s fund has received several more requests for coats in the past couple of years, Olin said.

NEWS | 11/08/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Q&A: Kris Perry, Sandy Stier, plaintiffs in Proposition 8 case

Kris Perry and Sandy Stier, two of four plaintiffs in the Hollingsworth v. Perry Supreme Court case, sat down with The Daily Princetonian before a lecture on Thursday to discuss the importance of civic engagement, their daily lives after the case and why they don’t necessarily view themselves as activists in light of LGBTQ+ awareness.Daily Princetonian: Why did you agree to come to the University today?Kris Perry:Well, the combination actually, for me, was the unique invitation — both the political group and the [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender] group together.

NEWS | 10/29/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Wolin, politics professor emeritus, dies at 93

Politics professor emeritusSheldon Wolin died on Oct. 21 in Salem, Ore. He was 93.Emeritus history professor Arno Mayer, a colleague and close personal friend of Wolin’s, said that Wolin could be described in three ways: a teacher, a scholar and a public intellectual.“He was, in the Jean-Paul Sartre sense, a critical individual,” Mayer noted.Wolin taught at the University from 1972 to 1987.

NEWS | 10/29/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Cruz ’92, Christie discuss Social Security, taxes in CNBC Republican debate

Republican presidential candidate and U.S. Senator for Texas Ted Cruz ’92 and New Jersey governor Chris Christie discussed government responsibility, tax reform and climate change at the Republican debate hosted by CNBC on Wednesday. Cruz garnered attention on social media for attacking the CNBC moderators, saying that they were more interested in “cage match[es]” than policy issues and that their behavior demonstrates why so many Americans distrust the media.

NEWS | 10/29/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Class Confessions gives low-income, first generation students place to voice concerns

The Princeton Class Confessions page on Facebook allows first generation and low-income students to anonymously share testimonies or ask questions about their experiences, PrincetonHidden Minority Council co-chair Brittney Watkins ’16 said.The page was started by the Hidden Minority Council on Oct.

NEWS | 10/29/2015

The Daily Princetonian

UMatter, TigerTransit to provide nighttime weekend bus service

UMatter, a university-wide health communication initiative on bystander intervention, is partnering with Tiger Transit, the university bus services, to provide a nightly bus service for students from Prospect Avenueto their dorms on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, UMatter student fellow Adam Cellon ’17 said.Director of Transportation and Parking Services for the University Kim Jackson did not respond to a request for comment.Cellon explained that the bus will run from 12:30 to 3 a.m.

NEWS | 10/27/2015

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: Harvard's Fox Club accepts women

The Fox Club, one of Harvard's eight original all-male final clubs, became the second final club to accept women into its membership on Monday, the Harvard Crimson reported.An email sent to prospective members of the club said that a group of women had become members of the club, and that the club intended to transition to being fully co-ed over the next year.The move comes six weeks after the Spee Club, another formerly all-male final club, voted to invite women to participate in its punch process.

NEWS | 10/27/2015