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The Daily Princetonian

Panel and exhibit feature civilian torture and execution by Syrian government

Thirty graphic photographs and five panelists highlighted the horrors of civilian torture under Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in an exhibit and a panel on Thursday. The explicit photographs on display were just thirty of over 55,000 photographs that make up a traveling exhibition known as “The Caesar Project,” according to a press release by the Wilson School.

NEWS | 04/14/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Women's tennis to complete Ivy slate

The women’s tennis team has a busy week ahead of it as it wraps up the Ivy League Conference. The Tigers will open the week by hosting Columbia at home on Friday and will then get a day of rest before traveling to Ithaca to close conference play against Cornell. These two games will be crucial for the Princeton squad, particularly the match against Columbia.

NEWS | 04/14/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Christie ’16 to join coalition of NJ Republican delegates supporting Trump

Andrew Christie ’16 has joined the growing coalition of New Jersey Republican delegates supporting businessman Donald Trump for the Republican Presidential Nomination.In the upcoming New Jersey Republican Primary on Tuesday, June 7, Andrew Christie will be one of 12 at-large delegates — delegates chosen by official Republican state committee members — who are backing the New York businessman for president.On that same list of at-large delegates is Andrew Christie’s father and current New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, an ex-officio trustee of the University, as well as former members of Christie’s senior staff.Andrew Christie did not respond to multiple requests for comment.Trump’s campaign office in New Jersey did not respond to requests for comment.11 of New Jersey’s twenty-one Republican county chairs are also on the list of delegates for Trump, both as district delegates and alternate delegates.This notice follows Christie’s announcement in February that he would be endorsing Trump for the Republican presidential nomination and that he would be encouraging other Republican political leaders in New Jersey to do likewise.New Jersey is a “winner-take-all state,” which means that the majority winner of the Republican primary will receive the state’s entire district and at-large delegates.

NEWS | 04/14/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Men's tennis to take on Columbia, Cornell as Ivy League competition continues

Fresh off of a difficult weekend on the road, the men’s tennis team will look to get back on track this Friday and Sunday, as they take on Columbia on the road and Cornell at the Lenz Tennis Center.The Tigers (14-8 overall, 2-2 Ivy League), having started out strong in the first weekend with back-to-back wins against Brown and Yale, now find themselves in the middle of the conference standings.

NEWS | 04/14/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Council candidate confronts Mayor Liz Lempert over potential conflict of interest

Princeton council candidate Anne Neumann publicly confronted PrincetonMayor Liz Lempert on her conflict of interest with the University during Monday night’s council meeting.Neumann noted that Lempert’s husband, Kenneth Norman, is employed by the University andworks in the Department of Psychology as well as in the Princeton Neuroscience Institute.This connection would impact any mayoral decisions that involves the University, Neumann said.Neumann said a conversation with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs on April 11 brought up the Local Government Ethics Law.“No local government officer… shall act in his official capacity in any matter where he [or] a member of his immediate family… has a direct or indirect financial or personal involvement that might reasonably be expected to impair his objectivity or independence of judgment,” she said, citing the law.Lempert said she did not find legitimacy in Neumann’s suggestion of the conflict of interest.Sheadded that she is unaware of why Neumann is levying these allegations against her.“My husband is a tenured professor at the University.

NEWS | 04/14/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Vargas discusses immigration, empathy

At a lecture on Wednesday, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and filmmaker Jose Antonio Vargas explored how to develop empathy and understanding in an increasingly diverse country. “I traffic in empathy,” Vargas said. Since coming out as a gay, undocumented immigrant, Vargas has written about his story in numerous news publications, including the front cover ‘We Are Americans’ issue of Time Magazine.

NEWS | 04/13/2016

The Daily Princetonian

SPEAR leads referendum on divesting from private prisons

Princeton Students for Prison Education and Reform has submitted a referendum calling for the Council of the Princeton University Community and the Princeton University Investment Company to divest from private prisons. The referendum readsthat the University should “dissociate and divest from corporations that draw profit from incarceration, drug control and immigrant deportation policies.” These corporations include Corrections Corporation of America, The GEO Group, G4S and financial entities that exclusively contract correctional facilities like Global Tel Link, JPay, Securus and Corizon, according to the referendum. Julie Chen ’17, co-president of SPEAR, noted via an emailed statement that when prisons are privatized, correction companies often lobby the government for higher mandatory minimums and bed quotas to keep more people in prison. “While we can't change the system right now, we can decide that it is against our university's values to invest in a corrupt system of incentivized incarceration," she added. According to data reported by the Department of Homeland Security, there have been rapid increases in the number of inmates held by private prisons.

NEWS | 04/13/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Number of drug violations increased; policies remain unchanged

The number of documented drug-related violations that occurred at the University this academic semester has doubled compared to those recorded between February and April of 2015.All such violations with the exception of one case have resulted in the arrest of the offender, a marked departure from the combination of administrative referrals and arrests observed in the past.Four incidents of drug-related violations were recorded between February and April of 2015.

NEWS | 04/13/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Bazelon discusses changing legal landscapes

The increasingly political nature of prosecutors has transformed the country’s legal practices, journalist Emily Bazelon said in a lecture Wednesday.Bazelon is a Senior Research Scholar and Lecturer in Law and Truman Capote Fellow for Creative Writing and Law at Yale Law School and a staff writer for the New York Times Magazine.Bazelon noted how, after the general expansion of government administration capacity in the 1930s, the elected position of prosecutor began to evolve into a stepping-stone for a higher political office, citing Earl Warren, Robert F.

NEWS | 04/13/2016

The Daily Princetonian

U. virtual campus tour attracts more than 6,000 visitors

Within 30 days of its launch, 6,494 people visited an interactive virtual tour of the University's campus, according to Dena Stivella, Client Relationship Manager of YouVisit, the media company that helped create the tour.According to a University press release, the Office of Admission and the Office of Communications worked together with YouVisit to create the tour.YouVisit was founded in 2009 and has created virtual reality tours for Harvard University and Yale University, which launched in October 2014 and October 2011 respectively.The University's tour, which includes 23 sites like iconic buildings, academic centers and student and recreational facilities, was turned live by the University on Feb.

NEWS | 04/12/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Fox News interviewer asks U. students about “offensive” topics

“I was on my way to my microeconomics precept, and I made the mistake of making eye contact with Jesse Watters,” Jessica Wright ’19 said of her experience being featured in a recently aired segment, “Watters’ World: Princeton University Edition.”To kick off the segment, which aired as part of “The O'Reilly Factor,” Fox News host Bill O'Reilly observed that college students have recently been expressing distress at seeing the word “Trump” written on walls and posters.

NEWS | 04/12/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Sprint football program to be discontinued

In an email addressed to sprint football affiliates Monday afternoon, University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 announced that the University has decided to discontinue its 82-year-old sprint football program.Eisgruber and Director of Athletics Mollie Marcoux ’91 delivered the news in person to current members of the sprint football team this afternoon, Assistant Vice President of Communications Daniel Day said.

NEWS | 04/11/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Dunwoody discusses diversity in the Army

Many people falsely continue to believe that having token minorities is a solution to a lack of diversity, while the key really lies in diversity of thought, said General Ann Dunwoody at a lecture this past Monday.Dunwoody is the first woman in United States history to be ranked as a four-star general.Dunwoody said she initially joined the army after her junior year of college due to a paid army incentive designed to recruit more women.

NEWS | 04/11/2016