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The Daily Princetonian

Update: Causes of reported gastrointestinal illnesses not found yet

There have been no conclusions made concerning the particulars of the connection between the reported gastrointestinal illnesses among students and their having eaten at Colonial Club, according to Assistant Vice President of Communications Daniel Day.Multiple students reported symptoms of gastrointestinal illnesses last Thursday and Friday after dining in Colonial, University Media Relations Specialist Min Pullan said.The students who reported to McCosh Health Center with gastrointestinal illnesses all confirmed eating at Colonial within the prior 48 hours, according to Pullan.The cause of the illness has not been determined but sanitizing procedures have been carried out, she said.Day added that administrators will produce a more comprehensive response as to the source of students' illnesses as soon as more information becomes available.Manager of University Health Services Kristen Palkovich did not respond to request for comment.Jeffrey Grosser, health officer for the town of Princeton, did not respond to requests for comment.Colonial President Christopher Yu ’17 did not respond to requests for comment.Colonial House Manager Andrew Ruchames ’17 did not respond to requests for comment.In an email sent to members of Colonial, Yu said he received replies from almost 30 people who reported being sick with food poisoning, diarrhea and vomiting.

NEWS | 04/26/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Individuals peering into residential windows reported on campus

The University’s Department of Public Safety sent a Campus Safety email alert to University affiliates on Tuesday afternoon about two incidents of individuals peering into residential windows on campus. According to the email, both incidents were recorded by a University student, one on April 2 and another on April 24. The firstincident was reported to DPS by a female student.

NEWS | 04/26/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Palestinian diplomat Areikat discusses Palestinian-Israeli relations

“I do not see any other solution to the Palestine-Israeli conflict other than an independent, sovereign, viable, contiguous Palestinian state – and when I say sovereign I mean a state that will enjoy all attributes of sovereignty,” Ambassador Maen Rashid Areikat, chief representative of the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the United States, said in a lecture on Tuesday.During the lecture, Areikat gave an overarching view of his position as a major Palestinian diplomat, offering a variety of reasons as to why a two-state solution is not just the best answer for Israel and Palestine – it is the only one.Areikat referenced the existing state of affairs with the Israeli occupation of Palestine, which has grown even tighter as a result of what he refers to as “the most extreme right-wing government in the history of Israel.”According to Areikat, the growing number of legal Israeli settlements within Palestine is an indication that pulling out of Palestine is not on the Israeli government's agenda."You can see it with your own eyes,” Areikat said.The ambassador described in greater detail what the terms of the proposed two-state solution would be in order for Palestine to be able to obtain its own legitimate autonomy.“The reason in the past that our people had refused Israeli offers was because Israel wanted to continue to control the Palestinian people even after they [the Palestinians] established their own Palestinian state,” Areikat explained, “That’s why all the negotiations have failed – because Israel did not want the Palestinians to have sovereignty of the Palestinian state.Areikat listed some of the terms of a two-state solution including no presence of the Israeli military in the future Palestinian state, no control of air space or international checking points and no control of local or natural resources.He explained that the question now is not so much whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will support the Palestinian state – rather, it is what kind of Palestinian state Netanyahu would potentially approve of that is at odds with Palestinians' own wishes.“Imagine the occupiers turning into peacekeepers after nearly 50 years," Areikat added.

NEWS | 04/26/2016

The Daily Princetonian

U. faculty couples discuss intersection of work and family relationships

Two couples, all professors at the University, reminded students of the importance of and challenges in balancing careers with family at a panel discussion on Monday.The panel centered on a conversation between Nannerl Keohane, president emeritus of Duke University and Wellesley College and visiting professor at the Wilson School; Robert Keohane, professor of international affairs; Andrew Moravcsik, professor of politics and international affairs; and Anne-Marie Slaughter, president and CEO of New America.Slaughter, a professor emeritus at the Wilson School, emphasized the importance of work in the household.

NEWS | 04/25/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Activist Arafat Mazhar discusses legal punishments for blasphemy in Pakistan

"Simply put, you blaspheme, you die,” said activist Arafat Mazhar in a talk on Monday.Mazhar is the founder and director of Engage Pakistan, a nonprofit organization in Pakistan that aims to reform Pakistan’s blasphemy law.Before speaking, Mazhar clarified that when he spoke of “blasphemy,” he was referring to any insult or criticism of the Prophet Muhammad.

NEWS | 04/25/2016

The Daily Princetonian

New class officers elected, two referenda failed

Election results for the Undergraduate Student Government Spring 2016 Elections and Referenda were releasedFridayafternoon in an email sent by USG President Aleksandra Czulak ’17 to the student body. Pritika Mehra ’18, Jacqueline Pan ’19, Pooja Patel ’18, Lucas Ramos ’19, Miranda Rosen ’18, Ellie Shannon ’17 and Wendy Zhao ’19 were elected as U-Councilors. The applications for the remaining three positions will be released at the end of April. The newly-elected class presidents are Andrew Sun ’17, Brandon McGhee ’18 and Chris Umanzor ’19.

NEWS | 04/24/2016

The Daily Princetonian

LEAD panel discusses roles of race and ethnicity in policy

Engaging with disenfranchised people before advocating for them is essential to policy-making, said Michele Tuck-Ponder, Associate Director at the University’s Office of Career Services and former mayor of Princeton, at a Leadership Education and DiversitySummit panel discussion on Friday. Lauren Burke, Executive Director and co-founder of Atlas: DIY, notedthe importance of peer-to-peer education when working with undocumented immigrant communities and other marginalized groups. “It is ridiculous for me, a privileged and educated white woman, to tell a 17-year old black kid what to do when he’s stopped and frisked by the cops,” she said. She stated that 98 percent of non-profit executive boards in the country didn’t even have representatives from the constituency the organization serves.

NEWS | 04/24/2016

Spirit of Princeton 2016 winners

8 students win 2016 Spirit of Princeton Award

Eight students received the 2016 Spirit of Princeton Award awarded by the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students.The awardees are Cameron Bell ’16, Yonathan Benyamini ’16, Naimah Hakim ’16, Lawrence Liu ’16, Jack Mazzulo ’16, Ian McGeary ’16, Beverly Nguyen ’16 and Olivia Robbins ’16.The award recognizes a select group of undergraduate students who have made positive contributions to various facets of the University, including in the arts, community service, student organizations, residential living, religious life and athletic endeavors.All undergraduate students were eligible for the Spirit of Princeton award and could have been nominated by faculty members, alumni, staff and fellow students in the Princeton community.

NEWS | 04/24/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Breaking: Students report gastrointestinal illnesses after dining in Colonial

Multiple students reported symptoms of gastrointestinal illnesses yesterday and today after dining in Colonial Club, according to University Media Relations Specialist Min Pullan. The students who reported to McCosh Health Center with gastrointestinal illnesses all confirmed eating at Colonial Club within the prior 48 hours, according to Pullan. The cause of the illness has not been determined but sanitizing procedures have been carried out, she said. Pullan indicated that there is currently no reported illness caused by food purchased at the U-Store or originatingfrom other eating clubs. Inspectors from New Jersey Department of Health has visited the club and will be visiting other eating clubs and dining halls to investigate the cause of the illnesses. More to come... Correction: An earlier version of this article noted that some individuals reported similar symptoms after dining at Terrace Club.

NEWS | 04/22/2016

The Daily Princetonian

USG election results announced

Election results for the Undergraduate Student Government Spring 2016 Elections and Referenda were released this afternoon in an email sent by USG President Aleksandra Czulak '17 to the student body. Pritika Mehra '18, JacquelinePan '19, Pooja Patel '18, Lucas Ramos '19, Miranda Rosen '18, Ellie Shannon '17 and Wendy Zhao '19 were elected as U-Councilors. The applications for the remaining three positions will be released at the end of April. The newly-elected class presidents are Andrew Sun '17, Brandon McGhee '18 and Chris Umanzor '19.

NEWS | 04/22/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Viloria discusses gender and sex as social constructs

Hida Viloria, founder and executive director of Intersex Campaign for Equality, said in a lecture on Thursday that s/he wants to encourage society to “challenge the binary” by thinking about sex and gender and recognizing the intersex community. Viloria is an intersex, gender fluid writer and activist who uses the gender pronouns s/he and he/r. Born in May 1968, Viloria is the author of a memoir to be released in March 2017, called "Born Both," and is an advocate of equal rights for intersex and nonbinary individuals.

NEWS | 04/21/2016