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The Daily Princetonian

Anti-Semitic graffiti appears on Holocaust Remembrance Day

Anti-Semitic graffiti was found in a restroom in the Friend Center on Wednesday, the first evening of Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day.According to Elan Sykes ’18, who authored a Facebook post about the incident, the graffiti was found in a bathroom by another student.Sykes said that the graffiti was written in a toilet paper dispenser inside a bathroom stall.

NEWS | 05/05/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Women's lacrosse prepares for title defense against Cornell

The Princeton Tigers (11-4 overall, 6-1 Ivy League) look to become back-to-back Ivy League Tournament champions this Friday, as they take on a spirited Cornell lineup in the Ivy League women’s lacrosse semifinals.The match comes after the Tigers clinched their third Ivy League Title in consecutive years, with an impressive 8-3 win over Brown last week.

NEWS | 05/05/2016

The Daily Princetonian

CV of failures sparks conversation on academic successes

SinceAssistant Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs Johannes Haushofer released a “CV of Failures”on his Twitter in late April, the document has sparked a discussion on success on University campus.On April 23, Haushofer tweeted a link to a document in which he listed his failures, including six degree programs he did not get into, three academic positions and fellowships he did not get, nine awards and scholarships he did not receive, six paper rejections from academic journals and eight opportunities for research funding he did not attain.Haushofer said that he aims to continue to shed light on the invisibility of failures.“I’m hoping that [my CV of Failures] will be a source of perspective at times when things aren’t going well, especially for students and my fellow young researchers,” he said.According to Haushofer, he first wrote a CV of failures in 2011, shortly after a friend and colleague, Melanie Stefan, a lecturer at the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, proposed the idea in an article in the academic journal Nature.“A friend had had a professional setback and I wanted to show support, and this seemed like a good way of doing it.

NEWS | 05/05/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Study finds eating less beef crucial to more sustainable future

Eating less beef is essential to ensuring a sustainable food supply in the coming decades, according to an April 20 working paper whose co-authors include University affiliates Timothy Searchinger and Xin Zhang."When you count the land use implications of meat diets, and above all beef, the greenhouse gas emissions are much, much, much higher than vegetarian or more vegetable-oriented diets," said Searchinger, a research scholar in the Wilson School.Searchinger serves as a senior fellow at the World Resources Institute, the global research organization that released the report.The paper probably offers today's most detailed and accurate global analysis of actual diets and their greenhouse gas emissions and land use requirements, Searchinger said.

NEWS | 05/05/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Princeton Open Campus Coalition to consider registering as ODUS student group

Six months after its creation, the Princeton Open Campus Coalition is now considering recognition from the University as an officially registered student group, according to Thomas Dunne, deputy dean of Undergraduate Students. According to Dunne, a campus student-run organization that uses “Princeton” in its group name needs to register with the University and be affiliated with the University.

NEWS | 05/05/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Ted Cruz '92 drops out of presidential race

After three weeks of setbacks that culminated in a decisive defeat in the Indiana primaries, Texas Senator Ted Cruz ’92 announced the end of his presidential bid Tuesday evening. “From the beginning, I have said that I will continue on as long as there is a viable path to victory,” he told supporters at an event in Indiana, “Tonight, I am sorry to say, it appears that path has been closed.” Cruz’s withdrawal positions businessman Donald Trump as the possible Republican nominee.

NEWS | 05/03/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Students to present their independent work during Princeton Research Day

The first annual Princeton Research Day, a campus-wide celebration of student research, will be held on Thursday and features over 160 presenters who have been selected to give talks and show their independent creative and artistic works.This event differs from other type of undergraduate or graduate research poster session because the event aims to give students the opportunity to explain their research in everyday language, rather than in specialist, technical terms.

NEWS | 05/03/2016

The Daily Princetonian

CPUC discusses updates on cybersecurity, FSI

University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 opened Monday’s Council of the Princeton University Committee meeting with an agenda to provide developments on works from the CPUC Resource Committee, updates on stronger University cybersecurity and from the Freshman Scholars Institute with the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning.A brief Q&A session started the meeting, where U-Councilor Pooja Patel ’18 raised the question on why University fraternities and sororities do not have official access to resources from Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources and Education, noting that 15-20 percent of University students are involved in Greek life.Patel is a former staff writer for The Daily Princetonian.Vice President for Campus Life W.

NEWS | 05/03/2016

The Daily Princetonian

New parking policy to ban U. students from having vehicles during school year

Undergraduate students will not be permitted to have a vehicle on campus during the academic year, including on holidays and weekends, according to a new Undergraduate Student Parking Policy announced by Transportation & Parking Services.This new policy will be effective starting September 2016.Kim Jackson, director of Transportation & Parking Services, deferred comment to Daniel Day, assistant vice president of the Office of Communications.“The decision on student parking was made in the larger context of the University’s campus planning initiative to study and plan how best to use University space over the next decade.

NEWS | 05/03/2016

The Daily Princetonian

U. Responds to Concerns About Lead in Campus Water

The University has not yet found elevated levels of lead concentration in drinking water on campus, according to University Media Specialist Min Pullan.Concerns about lead concentration in campus drinking water surfaced in April whenreportsemerged that elementary schools in the area had water supplies that contained higher concentrations of lead.Princeton Health Officer Jeffrey Grosser explained that Johnson Park elementary school, in particular, had drinking water that tested above the EPA maximum contaminant level for copper.

NEWS | 05/01/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Undercover Officer continues to arrest U. students for underage drinking

Undercover Princeton police detective Adam Basatemur continues to make arrests of underage alcohol buyers outside Varsity Liquors this year, according to police reports. In early March of last year,the Daily Princeton reportedthat Basatemur operated outside of Varsity Liquors and has made over 100 related arrests over the past two years.Basatemur has arrested at least 20 students and has been repeatedly reported to observe students walking into the store and follow them as they leave, according topolice and court records. The Princeton Police Department declined requests for comment. Varsity Liquors owner Arun Goel did not respond to a request for comment. The Daily Princetonian spoke anonymously to a student who was recently arrested near the Varsity Liquor store. According to the student, a few weeks ago, hehad gone to Varsity Liquors with a friend who was 21 years old, the legal drinking age. While his friend was inside purchasing alcohol, he had opted to wait outside and, on the way back, his friend asked him to carry two six-packs of beer that he had bought, the student said.He added that he didn't notice the detective, who had beenfollowing the student and his friend across the street as they were walking. As soon as the friend put the alcohol in the student's hands, the detective crossed the streets and asked to see their identification cards. The student and his friend were then charged with underage possession of alcohol and serving alcohol to minors, respectively.

NEWS | 05/01/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Clothesline Project seeks to spread awareness about interpersonal violence

Sixty-six white shirts with messages expressing solidarity with victims of sexual assault are currently hanging outside of Frist Campus Center, as part of the Clothesline Project,a national initiative which was started in order to raise public awareness about interpersonal violence. The overarching aim of the project is to put up displays nationwide to show support for victims of sexual assault while also raising public awareness about crimes against women, according to theClothesline Project’s official website. Emily Kraeck '17, the vice president of education for Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources and Education, was largely involved in organizing the project on campus.

NEWS | 04/28/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Survey finds 72 percent of undergraduates in favor of moving fall semester finals before winter break

A survey about the academic calendar, administered by the Undergraduate Student Government Academics Committee this past March, found that 72 percent of undergraduate respondents would prefer to have fall term finals before winter break, according to Academics Committee Chair Shannon Osaka ’17. In March the Academics Committee partnered with the Graduate Student Government and the Office of the Dean of the College to compile and administer a survey to undergraduates, graduate students and faculty about the current academic calendar.

NEWS | 04/28/2016

Smoke reported in Cap and Gown Club

Smoke detected in Cap and Gown Club, no reported damage or injuries

Smoke from a burning cigarette in Cap and Gown Club resulted in an emergency responseon Thursdayafternoon, according toDaniel Day, assistant vice president for Communications for the University. Robert Gregory, director of Emergency Services for the town of Princeton, confirmed on site that there was emission of smoke in the back of Cap as a result of an unattended burning cigarette. "Firefighters had doused [the cigarette] with water," he said. According to Gregory, there was no damage as a result of the smoke and no reported injuries. Most of the firefighters had exited the building around2:55 p.m.and emergency vehicles had cleared the scene at approximately3:05 p.m.

NEWS | 04/28/2016