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The Daily Princetonian

Q&A: Katrina vanden Heuvel '81, editor of 'The Nation'

Katrina vanden Heuvel ’81 is the editor and publisher of the political magazine, “The Nation.” She spoke to The Daily Princetonian about her time at the University, the Nassau Weekly and the future of journalism.The Daily Princetonian: What was your favorite memory at Princeton?Katrina vanden Heuvel: It’s less a memory than what I left Princeton with, that has long been a part of my life, and Princeton played a role in it.

NEWS | 05/28/2016

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Colloton '85 shortlisted as Trump's potential Supreme Court Justice

Appellate court judge Steven Colloton ’85 was named as a potential appointee to the United States Supreme Court by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump last week. Judge Colloton sits on the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, and his chambers are in Des Moines, Iowa. Colloton did not respond to a request for comment.

NEWS | 05/28/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Panel discusses free speech, microaggressions

On Friday, Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity Michele Minter moderated a panel that focused on the responsibility of universities to enforce individual rights to expression and protection.Panelists included Vice President and General Counsel at Northern Illinois University Jerry Blakemore ’76, Vice President for Ethics and Compliance at Purdue University Alysa Christmas Rollock ’81, freelance journalist Christopher Shea ’91 and Program Coordinator for the Office of Dean of Undergraduate Students Jeanne Laymon ’11.In her opening statement, Minter explained that the University has a deep commitment to freedom of expression and the prohibition of discrimination.“What we are seeing now, culturally, is a moment where those two important values are sometimes coming into conflict,” she said.Shea explained that the most pervasive issues on American college campuses have included the "disinvitation" of controversial speakers, the creation of safe spaces for students, restrictions on microaggressions and the disbandment of fraternities conducting racist actions.He explained that during his time as an investigative journalist on different college campuses, he noticed a trend in how students interacted with notions of safety in relation to free speech.“Students use the rhetoric of safety to describe how they want to feel on campus, and it applies not just to physical safety but to words that make them feel unsafe on campus," Shea said.Shea said at the University, he interviewed students and professors in hopes of finding diverging viewpoints on the necessity of protective safety.

NEWS | 05/27/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Air pellet guns, bow found in U. student dorm

Two air pellet guns — one of which was loaded —, a wooden replica sword and a bow and arrows were found in the dormitory of a University student in Little Hallon Sundayevening.The incident was documented as a weapon law violation, according to the Department of Public Safety daily crime log.On Sundayevening, the DPS received a report from a concerned student indicating that she thought another student might have weapons on campus,according to Assistant Vice President for Communications Daniel Day.The undergraduate made the report after seeing a Facebook photo of another student, capturing the student in question standing in his dorm, holding what appeared to be his senior thesis and various weapons, Day explained.The student in the photo lives in Little Hall, according to Day.

NEWS | 05/23/2016

The Daily Princetonian

U. yield reaches 68.5 percent for Class of 2020

With 1,323 students having committed to the University, the Class of 2020 yield rate currently stands at 68.5 percent, Dean of Admission Janet Rapelyesaid. The 1,323 students include 40 students who deferred admission from previous years and 14 students who were admitted this year and have already deferred to the Class of 2021, Rapelye explained. She noted that this number is subject to slight change as students notify the Admission Office of their intent to take a gap year. Although the numbers are not final, Rapelye noted that she can safely say that the 68.5 percent yield is the highest the University has had in many years. “We’re in a very good spot,” Rapelye said of the current number of incoming students for the Class of 2020.

NEWS | 05/16/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Communications around parking policy change started in February, according to administration

Since hitting multiple listserv threads last Tuesday, a petition against the decision to limit undergraduate parking by the Department of Transportation and Public Services has gathered more than 1,200 signatures, spurred upwards of fifty concerned emails addressed to the Undergraduate Student Government, and fueled social media uproar about the lack of transparency.Under the new parking policy scheduled to go in effect next academic year, undergraduates will not be permitted to park on campus unless they receive an exemption for “compelling need.”According to University Assistant Vice President for Communications Daniel Day, discussions around limiting undergraduate parking emerged in the last two years during the course of campus and strategic planning conversations.

NEWS | 05/08/2016

The Daily Princetonian

USG Senate discusses referenda and sexual misconduct policies

The Undergraduate Student Government Senate approved new appointments to the Honor Committee and Committee on Discipline and discussed referenda and sexual misconduct policies during its last meeting of the semester on Sunday.The Spring 2016 USG elections saw a relativelylow turnout of only 28.5 percent of the student body, according to chief elections manager Sung Won Chang ’18.“There has been a constant downward trend [in turnout] since the Will Gansa campaign,” Chang said, adding that the seniors did not have the motivation to vote.While neither referendum met the third-of-the-student-body threshold, Chang said that the SPEAR referendum came close.

NEWS | 05/08/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Cannon and Cottage eating clubs temporarily close following graffiti incidents

Following recent cases of graffiti markings, Cannon Club and Cottage Club have closed and are off-tap to non-members, but will reconsider re-opening in time for Dean’s Date, according to sources within the club. An unknown person or persons graffitied the cannon located on the front lawn of Cannon with the letters “UCC,” allegedly standing for “University Cottage Club.” The graffiti was easily cleaned off of the cannon with spray paint within a day of it being discovered. Keelan Smithers ’17, president of Cannon, did not respond to requests for comment.Robert Casey ’67, Graduate Board chair of Cannon,was unavailable for comment. On Thursday, graffiti also appeared on the columns of Cottage’s pillars with the letters “CDE,” allegedly standing for Cannon’s formal name, “Cannon Dial Elm.” The damage done to the columns will be difficult to repair, as they are made of aged marble that is difficult to wash.

NEWS | 05/08/2016