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The Daily Princetonian

Breaking: U. students receive white supremacist email campaigning for Trump

Members of the Princeton University Latinx Perspectives Organization, among other University students, received a pro-Donald Trump email from a probable member of a white supremacy group named “White GeNOcide Project” Saturday afternoon. The email, which had the subject line “Vote against ‘NO CHILD LEFT WHITE’- Vote Trump!” was sent from a non-University email address by an individual using the name “John Albert Willis.” The email was addressed to the University community, stating that “Princeton teaches its White students that they are immoral and contemptable if they don’t support White Genocide,” among similar remarks. The email additionally read that “Princeton professors say they're anti-racist.

NEWS | 10/08/2016

The Daily Princetonian

PICS launches new "Leave Your Legacy" endowment

Princeton Internships in Civic Service launched a new endowment called the Leave Your Legacy campaign, a separate initiativefrom its original endowment established within Princeton University Investment Company, which manages the University’s larger endowment.The original PICS endowment was based largely on donations from the Class of 1969 after its 25th Reunion.

NEWS | 10/06/2016

The Daily Princetonian

LeBlanc '99 discusses privacy, consumer protections in telecommunications

Chief of the Federal Communications Commission’s Bureau of Enforcement Travis LeBlanc ’99 discussed the necessity of privacy and consumer protections in a lecture and Q&A session on Wednesday afternoon.LeBlanc’s talk underscored the need for both preventative and enforcement measures against violations of rights for American consumers online and in telecommunications.

NEWS | 10/05/2016

The Daily Princetonian

U. professor accuses Islamic preacher in exile of orchestrating Turkish coup, calls for his expulsion

Associate Professor of Near Eastern Studies Michael Reynolds GS ’03 published an article on the Foreign Policy Research Institute on Sept.26 that accused supporters of Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen of allegedly orchestrating the attempted Turkish coup in Jul.Reynolds further called for Gülen’s expulsion from the United States.Reynold’s essay outlined the existence of a struggle between pro-government forces led by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an and underground, “insidious” forces purportedly led by exiled Gülen.Gülen is an Islamic cleric currently residing in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania.

NEWS | 10/05/2016

The Daily Princetonian

U. committee to review campus dining options, get student input

A new University committee is hosting a series of focus groups to generate student input on meal plans and dining options on campus in an effort to recommend more efficient and more flexible options that best suit the University’s diverse student body.The Princeton University Board Plan Review Committee was created last semester as an extension of the University’s strategic planning process and the strategic planning task force on the residential college model.

NEWS | 10/05/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Q & A with F. Duncan Haldane, 2016 Nobel Laureate in Physics

The Daily Princetonian sat down with University professor F. Duncan Haldane. Haldane was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics for "theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter." He joins the likes of Philip Anderson, Joseph Taylor, Daniel Tsui, and David Gross as University faculty members who've received a Nobel Prize in physics.

NEWS | 10/04/2016