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The Daily Princetonian

Wilson legacy exhibit relocates to Frist Campus Center

The exhibit titled “In the Nation’s Service? Woodrow Wilson Revisited” will be moved to the Frist Campus Center for its first stop as a part of a campus tour. This exhibit, which displays both the positive and negative aspects of the legacy of Woodrow Wilson, class of 1879, was created in April 2016 by a partnership between Mudd Library and the Wilson School.

NEWS | 11/06/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Task force recommends change in language requirement, academic calendar

In a report issued Thursday morning, the Task Force on General Education made six recommendations pertaining to undergraduate teaching that span from mandating foreign language studies regardless of prior proficiency to changes in the academic calendar.According to the report, the task force is recommending that the fall term start earlier and conclude in December.

NEWS | 10/27/2016

The Daily Princetonian

2016 Presidential Election: Where Princeton's donors have donated to

During the 2016 presidential election cycle and the two previous election cycles, Carl Icahn ’57, Bill Frist ’74, and Peter Wendell ’72, three major University donors, have contributed thousands of dollars to Republican candidates and super PACs, or political action committees with close ties to Republican campaigns, according to Federal Election Commission reports.Meg Whitman ’77, another major University donor, donated against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 election cycle.

NEWS | 10/27/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Task Force on Gen Ed. recommends final exams before winter break, changes in A.B. distribution requirements

In a report issued Thursday morning, the Task Force on General Education made six recommendations pertaining to undergraduate teaching that span from mandating foreign language studies regardless of prior proficiency to changes in the academic calendar.According to the report, the task force is recommending that the fall term start earlier and conclude in December.

NEWS | 10/26/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Amended lawsuit against U. filed by former dean of architecture alleges dismissed investigations against Prentice, Eisgruber

In response to a press release issued by the University in late May, professor and former dean of architecture Alejandro Zaera-Polo has filedan amended civil action complaint against University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83, Dean of Faculty Deborah Prentice, and twenty other anonymous individuals affiliated with the University.The amended complaint alleges that the May 26 press release was made in violation of the University’s internal confidentiality rules and included misleading disclosures.The amended complaint raised a number of allegations including the fact that the defendants chose to not disclose evidence favorable to Zaera-Polo to the investigation committee, that the defendants selectively interviewed witnesses adverse to Zaera-Polo, and that Eisgruber’s demand for Zaera-Polo’s resignation was unprecedented.“These facts, among others, directly contradict Defendant’s improper public assertion that Plaintiff had been found guilty of research misconduct by a ‘fair, unbiased, and rule-complaint procedure,’” the brief said with regards to the May 26th press release.In the copy of the amended brief obtained by the ‘Prince,’ Zaera-Polo also raised a number of new claims about the breach of conduct on the part of various University administrators.

NEWS | 10/25/2016

The Daily Princetonian

U. unveils new medallion with updated motto

The University unveiled a new medallion on front campus on Oct. 22, its 270thcharter day. The newly installed medallion reads the University’s updated informal motto — “In the nation’s service and service of humanity” — words spoken by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor ’76 during her acceptance speech for the 2014 Woodrow Wilson Award, the highest honor for undergraduate alumni, during Alumni Day. University President Christopher Eisgruber '83, University Trustee and Chair of the Wilson Legacy Review Committee Brent Henry '69, and President of the Alumni Association Jeff Wieser '74 among other University administrators and affiliates joined in the occasion on Saturday morning. Eisgruber addressed a crowd of more than seventy administrators and alumni who attended the unveiling ceremony.

NEWS | 10/23/2016