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Elizabeth Sell

Updated: Elizabeth Sell wins George J. Mitchell Scholarship

Elizabeth Sell ‘17 was selected as one of the twelve George J. Mitchell Scholars nationwide in the 2018 class for the program, according to the US-Ireland Alliance. The goal of the scholarship “is to provide tomorrow's leaders with an understanding about, an interest in, and an affinity for the island of Ireland,” according to its website.

NEWS | 11/20/2016

BREAKING: Fire on Witherspoon Street Damages Building Complex

A fire fire on Witherspoon Street extensively damaged the building complex comprising the More Café, Sakura Express, and the Village Silver this afternoon. Princeton Director of Emergency Services Bob Gregory said on the scene that there were no injuries due to first responders' efforts evacuate civilians before the fire spread.  Numerous first response vehicles and personnel are on the scene to survey and contain the damage including multiple fire trucks and ambulances.  Gregory said that it appears that the fire had started in the café area on the first floor of the complex, and then spread to the adjacent businesses and into the basement, damaging the structure.

NEWS | 11/20/2016

U. students read declaration denouncing South Korean president

A group of University students held a demonstration addressing the recent, ongoing political scandal concerning the South Korean president in front of Nassau Hall at 2 p.m. The demonstration was conceived by four Korean students concerned with the current situation in Korea: Sejin Park ’18, Wonshik Shin ’19, Rachel Lim ’18, and Sally Hahn ’19.

NEWS | 11/18/2016

Three journalists discuss diversity in the media industry

The Daily Princetonian held a dynamic panel on Thursday to discuss the aspect of diversity, or lack thereof, in newsrooms and the media industry. The panel was moderated by Sarah Sakha ’18, who began the event by asking each of the panelists about their professional lives and general opinions on the issue of diversity in journalism. Sakha is an associate opinion editor for the ‘Prince’. Benét Wilson, who has hosted workshops and discussions on diversity, said that she is inspired to continue participating in events because of the students she meets and learning about their successes later on.

NEWS | 11/17/2016


Greenhouse discusses judicial-legislative relationship, changes in Supreme Court

Yale Law School lecturer Linda Greenhouse discussed the cyclical nature of the judicial-legislative relationship and the transition into a more scrutinous Supreme Court in a lecture on Thursday evening. Greenhouse focused the lecture around several federal courts’ recent decisions to invalidate three separate restrictive abortion and voting laws in Texas and North Carolina for deliberate human civil rights violations in order to reveal the increasingly rigorous standards of the judiciary.

NEWS | 11/17/2016

The Daily Princetonian

Election Day: Where to go and what to do

With Election Day finally upon the United States, Americans across the nation are — and will be — lining up to cast their ballots throughout the day, or in the case of absentee voters, keeping their eyes peeled on the polls and heart rates up until the late hours of the night when results are finally announced. The Computer Science Building Lobby and Carl Icahn Laboratory are two voting locations on campus, and they will be open from 6 a.m until 8 p.m.

NEWS | 11/16/2016

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: Eisgruber, Lempert discuss town-gown interests in public meeting

University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83, Princeton Mayor Liz Lempert, and members of the Princeton Council met to discuss town-gown interests in the fourth annual public meeting between the town and the University. According to Eisgruber, the University and the town share several commitments including civil liberties, civil exchange, respect for all people, and the importance of education. The University and the town were recently involved in a lawsuit over properties the University owned that were tax-exempt under the University’s nonprofit status.

NEWS | 11/15/2016

The Daily Princetonian

U. Students issue petition in call to action to protect undocumented students

The DREAM Team, an immigrant rights advocacy group on campus, issued an online petition on Monday in support of undocumented students on campus. The “Call to Action to Protect Undocumented Students at Princeton” asks signatories for their name – either individual or organization – class year, and if that individual is a student, a faculty member, or a staff member.

NEWS | 11/15/2016

The Daily Princetonian

News & Notes: Tarpley '66 sued for defamation by Melania Trump

Author, journalist, and historian Webster Tarpley ’66 is currently engaged in libel suit with Melania Trump, wife of President-elect Donald Trump. Tarpley is being sued for claims made on his blog, where he claimed the Melania Trump allegedly had a nervous breakdown after her speech at the Republican convention was considered controversial. He further claimed that Melania Trump was not a model, but instead a “high end escort” in the article that led to the libel suit. The Daily Mail, a British tabloid, also made similar allegations about Melania Trump. On Sept.

NEWS | 11/14/2016