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The Daily Princetonian

Lecture: Human Locomotion Uses Energy-Optimality Model Under Many Conditions

In a lecture given on Friday, Feb. 10 titled “Human Locomotion: How Humans Move Efficiently and Stably”, Dr. Manoj Srinivasan, Associate Professor at Ohio State University, covered both experiments on how humans optimize their locomotion behavior under different conditions and an explanation of the computational methods used to design robotic prostheses and walking exoskeletons.

NEWS | 02/12/2017

The Daily Princetonian

Princeton Public Schools file lawsuit against Princeton Charter School

The Princeton Public Schools (PPS) filed a lawsuit against the Princeton Charter School (PCS) last month, claiming PCS violated the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) when its trustees voted to amend its charter to increase enrollment of the school. OPMA is a law that requires all meetings of government bodies to hold their meetings open to the public.

NEWS | 02/09/2017

The Daily Princetonian

SPEAR panel argues University should divest from private prisons

The University should divest itself from private prisons, argued three speakers at a panel hosted by SPEAR (Students for Prison Education and Reform) and Princeton Private Prison Divest. The panelists discussed the history of prison privatization, the results of privatization in terms of efficiency and human rights, and the ethical implications of incentivizing incarceration.

NEWS | 02/07/2017