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The Daily Princetonian

University Art Museum honors World AIDS Day in annual celebration

“In our efforts to remember World AIDS Day, we’ve generally focused on that first decade,” said Harris. “That first decade of diagnosis, and the first decade of the health crisis, especially on the human rights and civil rights issues that arose in this country around the AIDS crisis. You know, as all of us remember, it was much more than a health crisis for all those years.”

NEWS | 11/30/2017

The Daily Princetonian

Ending TPS for Haitians may affect campus workers

A number of University employees could potentially be affected by the end of the Temporary Protected Status designation for Haitian immigrants, announced by Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke on Nov. 20. Come July 2019, these employees could be a few of the nearly 60,000 Haitians who would presumably lose their ability to legally live and work in the United States under TPS.

NEWS | 11/29/2017

The Daily Princetonian

USG passes resolution regarding Verdú sexual harassment case

After weeks of allegations and petitions, the Undergraduate Student Government has passed a resolution regarding the sexual harassment case against electrical engineering professor Sergio Verdú. Graduate student Yeohee Im alleged that Verdú sexually harassed her on multiple occasions over a two-month period. In response, the University required Verdú to attend an eight-hour training session. Verdú remains employed by the University. U-Councilor Pooja Patel ‘18 presented Senate Resolution 5-2017 at the Senate meeting on Nov. 19, urging the University to “elevate its disciplinary actions” against Verdú, who was found responsible for sexual harassment in a recent Title IX investigation.

NEWS | 11/28/2017

The Daily Princetonian

Bhatia-Gautier ‘86 announced as Baccalaureate speaker

Bhatia-Gautier is a graduate of Stanford Law School and a recipient of the Fulbright Scholarship. As an undergraduate, Bhatia-Gautier concentrated in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy and International Affairs. He was a member of the Princeton Democratic Students Association and Student Council and participated in the student movement against apartheid in South Africa. This early political engagement carried over into a long career in American and Puerto Rican public service.

NEWS | 11/28/2017

The Daily Princetonian

ICE raids take place in downtown Princeton

Planet Princeton reported in a previous article that the raid only resulted in three arrests. The raids took place on Witherspoon Street and John Street, according to Planet Princeton. Officials confirmed that they had federal criminal warrants for all the men who were arrested. A follow-up investigation from the Princeton Human Services Department has determined that the men do not have any spouses or children.

NEWS | 11/28/2017

The Daily Princetonian

Former graduate student alleges U. visiting professor discouraged Title IX reporting

In a Facebook post dated Nov. 5, Latta alleged that while she was a graduate student in Berkeley's comparative literature department, she was sexually harassed, assaulted, and raped by a visiting professor. The accused professor taught at Berkeley in 1985 and is currently professor emeritus at Stanford University. He denies any wrongdoing.

NEWS | 11/27/2017

The Daily Princetonian

U. townhall on punishment for sexual misconduct

The audience was tense, and seemed frustrated with the Title IX office’s numerous privacy constraints, including their inability to discuss specific cases or precedence. Many, like first year Electrical Engineering graduate student Michael Soskind, appreciated the value of holding meetings but also hoped that the town hall would generate “more tangible recommendations that can be implemented by the University.” 

NEWS | 11/27/2017


Elite degrees, but at what cost?

Nearly all of the female students interviewed said the culture of the department had led them to seek therapy. “We used to joke that the women in our department all went to therapy to deal with the men in our department,” said one former graduate student who was in the department in the 2000s.  Still, those in charge say the department is ultimately a positive environment for women. 

NEWS | 11/22/2017