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Late meal drastic makeover

Frist late meal undergoes makeover

Students can now get foods like chicken and waffles, vegan mac and cheese, dumplings, Korean fried chicken, build-your-own salads, and pho in the late meal servery on Frist’s A-level. Plastic water bottles have been replaced with boxed water, in an effort to be more environmentally friendly. And students craving late meal quesadillas will no longer order them in the same spot, since the quesadilla section is now combined with the pizza section. 

NEWS | 09/20/2018

boxed water in frist

Frist, campus eateries now have "boxed water" instead of plastic bottles

All plastic water bottles, bags, and utensils have been eliminated. Paper bags, as well as plastic and paper straws, are available only upon request. These changes will affect all retail locations including Frist Food Gallery, the C-Store, and all University-catered events. Additionally, silverware is displayed more prominently in the Frist gallery to promote the use of non-disposable utensils and containers.

NEWS | 09/19/2018


Community-Based Learning Initiative (CBLI) renamed to The Program for Community-Engaged Scholarship (ProCES)

On Friday, Sept. 7, the Community-Based Learning Initiative (CBLI), a University program connecting students' academic work with their interests in real-world communities, was officially renamed “The Program for Community-Engaged Scholarship” (ProCES). 

NEWS | 09/19/2018

The Daily Princetonian

Student veterans chosen for selective leadership conference

Student veterans Jake Sawtelle ’21 and Brendan O’Hara ’21 have been selected to attend the Student Veterans of America Leadership Institute at the Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C. This honor is annually extended to 104 of the best chapter leaders of SVA, a nonprofit coalition of student veteran groups on college campuses throughout the world.

NEWS | 09/18/2018

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ODUS 2022 welcome video reflects new social media initiatives

In a video created to welcome the Class of 2022, students sing and dance on a football field. The Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students-sponsored video features a cappella groups, dance companies, orientation leaders, and students from all parts of campus, as they all sing along to a parody of Taylor Swift’s “22.” But this type of more serendipitous approach to social media is relatively new for ODUS.

NEWS | 09/17/2018

Kardashian Klub's first meeting of the year

Kardashian Lifestyle Klub kicks off its second semester

On Monday, Sept. 17, the Kardashian Lifestyle Klub hosted its first study break of the year, complete with Kourtney-style nutella naan and a viewing of the most recent episode of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.” Klub presidents Kristen Starkowski GS and Allegra Martschenko ’20 founded the group in March 2018. Since then, the club has expanded to a membership of about 150 people on GroupMe.

NEWS | 09/17/2018

Jon Stewart

The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart surprises full house at Stand-Up & Vote

Students entered the comedy show Stand-Up & Vote on Sept. 12 already expecting a star-studded lineup. The Office of Undergraduate Students-sponsored event included host Mike Birbiglia, rapper and comedian Jean Grae, author John Hodgman, and “The Daily Show” correspondents Ronny Chieng and Roy Wood Jr. Then entered Jon Stewart.

NEWS | 09/13/2018


Leaked Title IX proposals could clash with current University policy

A leaked proposal from the Department of Education obtained by the New York Times included Title IX regulations and procedures that would contradict the current Title IX policies at the University under “Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.” The leaked proposal would require that universities only adjudicate allegations of sexual misconduct that take place on campus or in campus-related programs. As an example, the Times wrote that this proposal would not include incidents in off-campus parties.

NEWS | 09/13/2018


Journalist David Remnick ’81 at center of debate over reporting ethics

Journalist David Remnick ’81 is at the center of a high-profile controversy concerning how the media should report on President Trump and his supporters. On Sept. 2, The New Yorker announced that political strategist Steve Bannon would participate in October’s New Yorker Festival, which features prominent public figures being interviewed in front of live audiences who pay for seats. But within 12 hours of the announcement, Remnick withdrew the former White House Chief Strategist’s invitation.

NEWS | 09/13/2018