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DeRay McKesson

Black Lives Matter leader DeRay McKesson discusses blackness, ‘quiet trauma’

Mckesson explained that he isn’t deterred by death threats and criticism, and he is constantly looking for ways to use his social power and media attention as platforms for bridging the ideological racial divide. Mckesson said that he is trying to give a voice to the oppressed regardless of the discomfort. “Freedom is not only the absence of oppression, but the presence of justice and joy,” he said. 

NEWS | 04/01/2018

Carbon Fee and Dividend, national numbers

Princeton Student Climate Initiative crafts carbon policy with NJ state assemblyman

“This isn’t just about this one piece of legislation. First of all, we’re trying to be part of a comprehensive energy package for the state of New Jersey. But it’s also about reimagining the environmental movement as a whole as being something more representative of the people actually impacted by climate change,” said Amanda Eisenhour ’21, political director of the Princeton Student Climate Initiative. 

NEWS | 04/01/2018

The Daily Princetonian

French theatre lecturer Guillaume Gallienne discusses teaching philosophy, life, and art

“I’m there to tell them they are not alone. I think that’s my job. The purpose for me of theater is to say that we’re not alone, or that we’re not separated,” explained Guillaume Gallienne, sociétaire of the renowned French theatre company Comédie-Française and winner of multiple César Awards for his autobiographical film “Les Garçons et Guillaume, à table!”.

NEWS | 03/30/2018

The Daily Princetonian

Musicologist Frank Lehman deconstructs Star Wars motifs

Frank Lehman, an Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Tufts University, knows the score of the iconic music of “Star Wars” as well as anything in his life. In his lecture, part of the Musicology Colloquia Series, Lehman criticized the practice of over-interpreting “Star Wars” music for plot details, but also explained the musically complex use of motifs throughout the score.

NEWS | 03/30/2018

Keller Center Entrepreneur Greg Olsen discusses space journey

Imagine you were living the dream of almost every child on Earth. You’re snug inside your Kevlar suit, wearing your fishbowl helmet, and someone straps you into your chair and seals the capsule hatch. Then, all of a sudden, you feel the cabin rumble. The rocket engines underneath your capsule roaring to life. You stare out the window, watching the sky turn from light blue, to navy, to pitch black. You’ve just joined an exclusive club of humans who have left terra firma to stare back at the little rock you call home.

NEWS | 03/28/2018