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Cadre of 5 pioneers veteran community at the U.

Opening the doors of Nassau Hall reveals an austere, dimly-lit chamber encased in white marble — the Memorial Atrium. Inscribed on the walls are the names of men who have died fighting in U.S. wars since the University was founded in 1746. Those who died in the Vietnam War are the most recent names to be added.  A Latin inscription hangs over the columns: Memoria Aeterna Retinent Alma Mater Filios Pro Patria Animas Ponentes. Translated, it says, “In eternal memory our Alma Mater holds her sons who laid down their lives for their country.” Military servicemembers are literally incorporated into the architecture and memory of this University.  But are they here in 2018? 

NEWS | 05/31/2018


Police officers respond to report of shotgun in Lewis Library, but no threat found

On Sunday, May 20, a student studying in Lewis Library thought she overheard someone mention getting a shotgun and called the Department of Public Safety, which alerted the Princeton Police Department. Officers came to the library and evacuated the building, according to Daniel Day, the University assistant vice president for communications.

NEWS | 05/23/2018


Eating clubs make guests recite “consent pledges,” psychologists measure effectiveness

On May 15, as reading period came to a close, the eating clubs of Prospect Avenue opened their doors to students looking to celebrate the completion of their written work — under one condition. Party-goers were asked to read a “consent pledge” before entering each club.

NEWS | 05/17/2018

USG Office

Spring 2018 Dean's Date celebrations to have significantly smaller budget than last semester

As students frantically complete Dean’s Date assignments and prepare for final exams, one break they can look forward to is the customary Undergraduate Student Government celebrations, held immediately after the Dean’s Date deadline. According to USG treasurer Alison Shim ’19, the budget for this spring’s celebrations is $7,000, significantly less than the $43,275 used in fall.

NEWS | 05/14/2018


Faculty-Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct releases fourth annual report

The Faculty-Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct released its fourth annual set of University policy recommendations on Thursday morning. This year’s 22-page report is larger and more extensive than reports from past years — reflecting the committee’s new tactics to gather more widespread sources of input — and touches on sexual misconduct policies including training, transparency, penalties, and power differentials. 

NEWS | 05/10/2018