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Computer science experts criticize New Jersey's election security

With midterm elections approaching, New Jersey is still using technology which leaves voting results vulnerable to hacks. At a panel Wednesday evening about election security, computer science professor Andrew Appel highlighted the fact that New Jersey and four other states exclusively use computer-based ballots, a method which makes detecting hacks and recounting votes impossible.

NEWS | 10/17/2018

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Law journalists talk new Supreme Court and media

On Tuesday, the Program in Law and Public Affairs hosted a lecture on the Supreme Court and the media. The panel featured Jess Bravin, an award-winning Supreme Court correspondent for The Wall Street Journal; Marcia Coyle,  Chief Washington Correspondent for The National Law Journal; and Jed Shugerman, historian and professor at the Fordham University School of Law.

NEWS | 10/17/2018

The Daily Princetonian

Female graduates Quillen GS ’91, Hobson ’91 receive top U. alumnus awards

Less than one week after the end of the celebration of women in She Roars, two University alumnae were named the recipients of the University’s most prestigious awards for alumni. President of Davidson College Carol Quillen GS ’91 and President of Ariel Investments Mellody Hobson ’91 received the James Madison Medal and the Woodrow Wilson Award, respectively.

NEWS | 10/17/2018


Fotopoulos ’21 founds medical technology start-up

Sophomore Niko Fotopoulos and other researchers were the first undergraduate team to do research over the summer at the Princeton Innovation Center BioLabs for their startup, Blackwell. Blackwell is a biotechnology company that develops new devices to help advance the fields of surgery and medicine. The company was created in Fotopoulous’s freshman year and strives to make improvements in ligament repair procedures.

NEWS | 10/15/2018


Latinx Heritage Month celebrates Latin American culture at the University

From a movie screening of Selena to a Casino themed fall gala, students have been celebrating Latinx culture on campus. Princeton Latinos y Amigos, Carl A. Field Center for Equality and Princeton University Latinx Perspectives Organization successfully organized the annual Latinx Heritage Month. The term latinx is a gender-neutral alternative to Latino or Latino

NEWS | 10/14/2018


Sexual misconduct lawyer to file lawsuit concerning former ELE professor Verdú

Andrew T. Miltenberg, an attorney who has represented college students and faculty facing allegations of sexual misconduct, will be filing a lawsuit on behalf of former University professor Sergio Verdú next week, according to the New York Times. It is unclear if the suit will be filed directly against the University.

NEWS | 10/13/2018

Mu Sochua talks democracy in lecture on Oct. 11

Opposition leader Sochua denounces Cambodian Prime Minister

Activist and politician Mu Sochua lived in exile from Cambodia for almost two decades after her parents disappeared under the Khmer Rouge regime. Ever since, she has fought for justice in her home country. She spoke about her political journey in front of an attentive audience on Thursday in her talk, “Democracy in Peril,” as part of the Woodrow Wilson School’s Joseph S. Nye Jr. ’58 International Affairs lecture series.

NEWS | 10/11/2018