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Nassau in day

U. increases financial aid budget by 7.2 percent for 2019–20 academic year

On Thursday, April 25, the Office of Communications announced that the University trustees have “adopted an operating budget for the University totaling $2.3 billion for 2019–20.” Of this total budget, $187.4 million — up 7.2 percent from last year’s $174.2 million — will go towards undergraduate financial aid.

NEWS | 04/25/2019

Princeton Tower Club

Theft takes place in Tower Friday morning

In an email to members, Tower Club president Aliya Somani ’20 said that the club will be implementing new safety measures, including adding code locks on other commonly used doors and additional officer protocols to secure the club after dark. In another email, she said that staff will check that the kitchen exit and other exits are locked as they leave the club. 

NEWS | 04/22/2019

Robert Mueller ’66 in the White House

Attorney General Barr releases report by Mueller ’66

The report found that Russia did make a concerted effort to interfere in the 2016 election but concluded that there was no criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. The report, however, could not reach a conclusion as to whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice, although it did document several attempts by Trump to influence the Special Counsel investigation.

NEWS | 04/21/2019


‘Eco-pirate’ Paul Watson discusses the environmental activism of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Speaking to a full house, “eco-pirate” Paul Watson, the founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and co-founder of Greenpeace, asserted that predictions made about the environments of fish and other marine life were right and the world is on the brink of environmental collapse.

NEWS | 04/18/2019