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Association of Black Seminarians’s petition demanding reparations gathers 572 signatures

The Association of Black Seminarians of Princeton Theological Seminary has released a petition for the institution to annually set aside 15 percent of the portion of the endowment used on operating expenses to fund tuition grants for black students. This would amount to $5.3 million a year, based on an estimate derived from the seminary’s expenses in the 2017–2018 school year. The petition also asks for the establishment of a Black Church Studies program.

NEWS | 04/03/2019

Kimberly Bryant

Q&A with Kimberly Bryant, founder of Black Girls Code

Kimberly Bryant, founder of Black Girls Code (BGC) and one of Business Insider’s “25 Most Influential African-Americans In Technology” has been working with young female coders, aged between 7–17 years, through her pioneering nonprofit since 2011.  During Bryant’s recent visit to the University, The Daily Princetonian had the opportunity to speak with her about her journey of educating over 8,000 female technologists with BCG and her dream to reach one million young girls by 2040.

NEWS | 04/02/2019


Former Palestinian Authority prime minister, former diplomats discuss Israeli elections in panel discussion

In the March 28 event, “Up to the Minute Panel: Implications of the Israeli Elections,” Ambassador Ryan Crocker, former U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait, and Lebanon; Salam Fayyad, former prime minister of the Palestinian Authority; and Kurtzer discussed the upcoming Israeli election and the worldwide effects it could have.

NEWS | 03/28/2019

Coffee Club

Coffee club to open student-run coffee shop on campus

Many University students are more than willing to hike uphill to Small World Coffee or Starbucks and cough up as much as four or five dollars for a cup of joe. Starting April 14, however, an alternative option will be celebrating its grand opening. A coffee shop named The Coffee Club, run and staffed entirely by University students, will be taking over the taproom in Campus Club.

NEWS | 03/28/2019

Student journalist panel reflects on refugee reporting in Greece, Canada

Student journalist panel reflects on time spent reporting abroad

“Inside the Orange Bubble [of the University] is not necessarily the best place to cover international events,” said Joe Stephens, as he opened for the panelists during Session IX of the Mellon-Sawyer Journalism Seminar Series. The panelists were four University undergraduate students who spent their time abroad reporting on the refugee and migrant crises there.

NEWS | 03/26/2019