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CPUC, November 2019

U. to decide whether to amend language of conviction history question on supplemental application

The draft of the proposal will be presented at the meeting of the Council of the Princeton University Community (CPUC) on Monday, May 6, and then voted on at CUAFA’s May 13 meeting. The final decision as to whether to approve or revise the committee’s recommendation will lie with President Christopher Eisgruber ’83. 

NEWS | 05/05/2019

Jeopardy! Lecture

Former contestants speak on Jeopardy!, compete against students

On Thursday night, three former Jeopardy! contestants spoke about their time on the show and competed in two games of Princeton-themed Jeopardy! against a few graduating seniors. Five-time winner Gil Collins *99, who serves as Director of Global Health Programs, won the first game, but all three former contestants fell short in the second, defeated by Emma Corless ’19.

NEWS | 05/03/2019

Princeton University President Christopher Eisgruber '83 stands in a suit and an orange tie behind a brown podium with a microphone in hand. A banner that says "Google AI" in blue, red, yellow, and green is next to him.

Google, U. hold inauguration event for Google AI Lab on Palmer Square

The University and Google held an inaugural event for the new Google AI lab located just north of campus in Palmer Square on Thursday, May 2.  The event hosted speakers such as Professor of Computer Science Elad Hazan, New Jersey Governor Philip Murphy, New Jersey Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman, alumnus and former Google Chairman Eric Schmidt ’76, and President Christopher Eisgruber ’83. 

NEWS | 05/02/2019

Nassau in day

Students raise concerns about individual information made publicly available through room draw

The University Housing documents listing draw times, which include student PUID number and class year, are not protected by the University’s Central Authentication System (CAS) and can be accessed by anyone who has the links to the documents. The students whose information can be accessed in this way includes those who have opted to be removed from the University’s public directory.

NEWS | 04/30/2019

AJ Sibley '19

Sibley ’19 reflects on eye health, U. accommodations

In February of this year, Sibley sent an email to residential college listservs with the subject line “Don’t Be Me. Graduate on Time!” Sibley warned readers about the dangers of too much screen time and offered suggestions for preserving your vision, including inverting the display colors on your computer and following the 20-20-20 rule: for every twenty minutes of staring at a screen, look twenty feet away for twenty seconds.

NEWS | 04/29/2019

SEAS Dean Emily Carter to step down

Emily Carter, dean of School of Engineering and Applied Science, to step down

According to the University’s Office of Engineering Communications, Carter will become “the university’s second-ranking officer and serve as the chief operating and academic officer,” a position meant to “[bring] broad vision and executive leadership to campus-wide policy, planning, initiatives and operations.”

NEWS | 04/29/2019